Pork Bun

That’s my point, it’s absurd to deny that BotW didn’t overshadow Horizon in terms of coverage. It’s not a judgment on the quality of either game, it’s just the way gaming media worked out.

I mean, it did overshadow it. I can’t wait for Horizon 3 because it means we’re getting GTA 6 the week after.

Guerilla Games (2017): We’ve done it! We’ve created our masterpiece. We created one of the best open world games ever made!

So much this. Difficulty is fine. Punishing me with boredom and tedious slogging is not. That’s why I usually bounce off most Souls games, becaue I get sick of trudging around stuff I’ve already done 20 times to get back to the boss that keeps kicking my ass.

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, I don’t care much about the punishing difficulty, if only they made respawning easier. I’m trying to S rank Cuphead right now, which has involved literally dozens of restarts against each boss, but it’s fine because restarting is easy. With From games, the bosses are crazy h

Like every FromSoftware game (minus Armored Core) I’ve purchased, I have the nagging feeling it’ll still end up going like this for me:

Logo-Gate 2022: Ryu Dong Edition

Looks like that didn’t really stop you from having a look though, did it?

I bet that’s not even a real guitar he’s playing.

pictured: the AAA gaming industry in a few years.

The sting with pachinko specifically is that gambling in Japan is technically illegal.

And here comes the LEGO copyright strike!

Nintendo copyright strike in 3...2...1...

Nintendo is going to sue and make them take it apart.

I know NFTs are a big thing right now on Kotaku, but why isn’t any of the writers talking about Sega leaving the arcade business?

Except, that’s exactly what these gaming execs are pretending to pitch and it’s been around for years, also doesn’t require any blockchain/crypto/hype nonsense.

Video game female character’s Boobs Keep Growing With Every Sequel you say?

I see no problem with this

Too much. Can’t have people leave the Skinner box.

And apparently people will also pay money to watch others do it too...