
Bless your heart, I think you’re lost. US News and World Report is down the hall.

I am biracial and I really appreciated this piece. She is not attacking biracial people, she is (gently) critiquing the idea of white womanhood as aspirational across brown cultures.

It’s not attacking interracial relationships. It’s the ‘brown man gets a white girl’ trope. And if you’re a South Asian woman, where the men who look like Kumail and Aziz value European-looking South Asian women, i.e. white skin, and popular culture perpetuates that, it’s a fucking problem. It’s not just about race,

I read this article as a criticism of Hollywood’s continued forcing of white people into every story and often refusing to show a minority couple in a relationship, from a realistic standpoint, not as a condemnation of mixed relationships.

I experienced this same behavior when I was moving up in fintech and especially in upper- and executive management. I can talk about it now because I’m disabled and had to retire. This big difference between tech and other industries, even other male-dominated fields, is that when they come after the victim they

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If I may leave this here, it’s my absolute favorite thing in the world right now. Britney continues to inspire a whole new generation, lol.

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Here’s a great old documentary on Drumpf that details his vindictive, lying ways from the time of his youth up to the 90's. You’ll see a pattern emerging: fraud, lies, revenge in both business and private.

They needed two cops with guns drawn for a woman who probably weighed a “buck-o-five” and felt that this tiny woman holding a knife was such a colossal threat that they had no choice but to kill her (and her unborn child).


I can’t get the Twitter one to unembed, but all three of these should be sewn together into one super GIF.

You really really really really really really like her?

There are (basically) two kinds of music journalists/bloggers – rockists, and people who like music. Rockists tend to be older, whiter, and male-er, and revere the Rock and Roll of their youth, regardless of what decade their youth took place in. These are the people who will argue about Beatles/Stones, and like,

I don’t care what anyone says, I like her

You know, whatever your surface motive may be, if you are willing to fuck over black and hispanic people to attain your goals, you are a racist motherfucker.

So you’re saying that if someone wants to increase awareness of something that A DOCTOR told him was real and that he had, he has to divulge all of his medical records? It is so counterproductive to suggest that mental health issues need to be doubted more than they already are, just because you feel an explanation

Except the term “postpartum” simply means “after childbirth” and doesn’t specify a gender. It just refers to a time period. Both men and women experience hormonal changes, anxiety, depression, irritability, crying, etc. None of the symptoms are gender specific. There is literally no phrase that better applies to the

I’m speechless. I really thought this was only me. I read this whole article and now I know I’m not alone. I still haven’t told my wife about my bout with this. I’m passed it now and my son is almost 2 with another on the way.

It’s hard! I’ve been relatively slender most of my life, so I have a lot of positive feedback about my appearance in an emotional reserve that I can pull on if necessary, and I still get all frowny face about my new mushy midsection when I’m getting dressed in the morning. And then when it comes time to make choices

Except that these kind of exchanges happen all the time, and they aren’t actually in good faith. Conversations with white folks go down like this constantly. Like, this exact exchange:

Calling her an “Asian Amy Schumer” is pretty unfair, seeing as how Cho has been in comedy A LOT longer than Schumer, and has really paved the way for Asian and LGBTQ+ performers.

I like the idea of Amy Schumer being a more basic version of Cho, though.