

Or welcome. I totally meant welcome to our little insufficient shithole.

It can’t be a joke because nobody would joke about a Michael Bay film retrospective.

I’ll fight anyone who says this is a joke. This the realest fucking real to ever real. Especially the part about the rotisserie chicken. It’s the details, people!

the fuck sort of feminist has a ham sandwich with mayo instead of miracle whip?

I think he was just poking fun at the 140 character limit on Twitter, which makes difficult to finish a full, deep thought on a serious matter...

I...I understand and agree with Bella Hadid?

I think he might've been joking?

I audibly said , "Boom", at my desk when I read that..

A Gawker writer, admitting hypocrasy? That will NEVER happen.

The purpose was to contextualize that as an on-air personality he has a record for making opinion statements that people react strongly to.

I made exactly the comment I wanted to make. Seems you don’t like my comment and that’s ok.

Can we all just agree that this thread has no effect on the larger conversation on the matter? I’m actually kind of annoyed that BabyGotFront’s comment came first in the comments for me because 58 people liked it, probably more than the next person. But I do not see this as a put down to the Alton Sterling

I’ve been saying this for a minute... I hope ya’ll will join in...

Except that the comment made about Starship and what the OP is talking about was said by Rosenberg, not Ebro, despite the OP referring to Ebro. And it is also what the author of the piece is referring to. So there is also that.

So if there is no purpose for it in the original article, why are you defending it as though it’s helped shape the DJ’s character? Kind of seems you’re tapping out at the point someone logically mapped shit out for you.

Are you talking to the author of this post? Or the person who provided the context to the off topic comment made by the author of the post? Because if it’s the former you seem to be replying to the wrong person.

So bad time to provide further context to your coworker’s inclusion of the Minaj-Rosenberg spat, but 3 minutes later is an ok time to post an article of jokes about Ciara and Russel Wilson boning? Did we collectively fix police violence in those 180 seconds?

I mean just ten minutes ago (from the time of my writing) you posted a article that Ciara and Russell Wilson are now have sex. Who the hell are you with this “black man was murdered” business?