
The guy who taught me to weld would have me do the “hammer test” and beat the crap out of what I had just welded with a heavy hammer to see if I could make it break off, nothing that needed to be pretty mind you, but a part of a trailer etc. I learned that looking good was not an indication of quality..

I had a friend who was a model for Rockstar energy. Basically what the monster girls do just a different brand and she loved what she did. Who am I and who are you to judge these girls. Nobody is forcing them into this. You can’t say youre for the advancement of women then condem them all in the same article

In the summer I see them all the time

Seriously, you expected something else??? They are just names being slapped on to vehicles built to hit an established market segment, nothing more.

Autonomy as a luxury is the biggest road block, in my opinion.

Methinks the concept of driving a Hellcat in Tuscany makes this episode Emmy worthy.

Why do I get the feeling that every time I read a GT article on Jalopnik now, I’m reading wannabe movie critics try to talk above their paygrade? To me, TG was never about grandiose missions or purpose or whatever. To me, TG was always about life with cars. Sometimes it was beauty. Sometimes it was, yes, purpose, but

maybe i’m just a child but I laughed every time Richard pissed off James with the hellcat and giggled at the sound of the hellcat through every tunnel. For me the best of the 3 episodes.

God help any passenger whose bone marrow and organs are on file as compatible with Peter Thiel, that is all I can say.

As a cyclist who generally follows the rules I see this shit goes both ways. Plenty of asshole cars on the road the implications are just vastly different. Everyone needs to just practice a bit more patience. I was crossing on foot at a cross walk with a stroller holding my nephew and was almost run over by an

Because one is just after profits and the other is after fun? I’ve driven both and while they might have similar performance capabilities, they don’t feel at all similar to drive. Vettes just feel a little removed from everything. The steering is just a little softer, the brakes and little softer, the shifter not as

At least he had a helmet on.

The moment the new owner drives away in your car

I hated the creep of fantasy sports into the actual reporting of the sports. I literally cannot care about how many fantasy points some QB threw for. Tell me how many yards he had or whatever. But when I watched an NFL pregame show and they broke down everyone’s line up and salaries or whatever nonsense term...that

Japan needs to smoke some weed and chill the fuck out