You Dont NEED the web to fix a car. But it certainly helps
You Dont NEED the web to fix a car. But it certainly helps
"Damn right I cut in line. I'm the POTUS, bitch!"
what you've just typed... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent comment were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul...
Damn for a second I thought you were serious.
yup. So serious they have 400+cc MX motors on box frames and bodywork of whatever mower it used to be.
daughter of the year.
Nintendo. Competitive gaming.
i75 represent
need to do them to get the water off the surface tho
jas a small penis... has a lover.
just like you never leave your computer?
as a former owner of the 2.1 variation of those o can say the midrange is certainly flat on them.
ive pirated before. I will pirate again. But every game I pirated and played for more than an hour ( or two, damn some games you just Dont wanna stop playing.) I have bought. Sometimes more than once.
the muslims there have no more right to that land than the roman catholic church.
a huge boat that can weather a hurricane, that can house disaster victims and treat injuries, with a damn good air control center is worth having at your disposal for those must in case moments that happen annually lately.
horrible idea. Of were gonna fund healthcare for us citizens it'd make more since to pull foreign aid that gives another couple try actual free healthcare.
foxtrots #cotd here.
nah lazy is anyone going to a blog in the middle of the day instead of fucking working. Like me ;)
as a possible owner of a Chevrolet Cobalt this potentially offends me.