
While audio books are better than not reading at all, you are passively absorbing the information. When you read, you are far more active and focused. Speed reading is a joke as you are skimming the words rather than reading them. Think of sentence and paragraph structure as music. There is an ebb and flow and

Up to a 30% pay cut/pension cut is unacceptable but 100% pay cut and complete loss of pensions are? Solid logic there. I now see the error of my ways.

Another win for the Unions. . . .great job guys!!!


Wow, I didn't know that inanimate objects can commit murder. I mean you can have murderous humans, but murderous rifles. . . .not so much. Typical Liberal robot, spew untruths and misinformation. Good Job, Mario. Nice objective article you wrote. Now please go polish your Obama campaign button.

Why do I keep hoping that at the end of the video the bald guy's event pass gets sucked into the fan blades, thus pulling him in as well, resulting in a glorious explosion of legos. . . . .


Good Lord! I went out on a date where the damn chick actually was saying the letters OMG and WTF. I was like, what are you 12? Please stop now. But she continued. So I said, Oh My God, GTFAFM (Get The F*ck Away From Me)!!!! She didn't find it amusing. . . .

Then leave. I can not understand why miserable, unhappy, socialist liberals like yourself still hang around. GO already!!!!

It would, if by .50 cal rimfire, you mean a 9 mm Glock Ball (go to her site and she has descriptions under the photo gallery).

Looks like a bent paperclip. . .

Google, please don't disappoint.

Wow, is she like 10 years old? He keeps nagging her to put on sunblock. . . .much like I do with my children because they do not know any better—what a control freak. Also, could this guy be a bigger douche bag—with his little life vest in a canoe and his stalking? Did he forget how to swim or something, because we

I've always found that I have a direct expense/lost ratio when it comes to Sunglasses. The more expensive the pair, the faster I lose them. The $100+ pair only last me a few months while I still have my $10 pair from 5 years ago. . . .

Farva: Hey, let's pop some Viagras and issue tickets with raging, mega-huge boners.

Because sometimes. . . . you just have to.

It looks like the money would have been better spent on dental work.

And you proved my point yet again — you will defend your mistake till the end—logic be damned.

Is there anything better than someone who makes a mistake and instead of maning up and admitting error, they double down and defend their mistake?

You do realize that he is talking about his "Phone" beeping/vibrating with an alert, not the high frequency sound. Maybe you should do the reading before flaming. . . just sayin'