Okay. Doesn’t change that I’m surprised that Top Gear is still a thing.
Okay. Doesn’t change that I’m surprised that Top Gear is still a thing.
uh. okay.
“To most Americans, China is synonymous with cut-rate, cheap, poor-quality knockoff garbage, but that’s largely because that’s the kind of shit Americans buy and demand from Amazon, Temu, and Alibaba.”
I dont want a car from communist China. Not sure how I feel about the CCP spying on me, or having the ability to turn my car off at any given time. And before someone makes the argument, yes I know my phone is spying on me already. I just dont need a foreign entity meddling in my everyday life.
I think the bigger news is that Top Gear is still a thing
What “top level car from another manufacturer” can be had for $28k? Real question. I’m drawing a blank.
I am soo fed up with this site. I’ve accessed a few articles throughout the day and as I scroll down I keep getting rerouted to a Root slideshow article on Olympians.
I understand that times are tough for Jalopnik right now, but whoever is currently maintaining your site has made it nigh-unreadable. Whenever you scroll to the bottom of an article, it leaves the article and takes you to a random Root web page. It’s absolutely maddening and I won’t be returning until it’s fixed,…
Bah! If it had been a “real” phone booth (with Superman still in it), the Volt would have been stopped quicker than a speeding bullet!
The Volt has a pretty low Center of gravity. If it wasn’t going fast, I would expect it to maybe go up on its side or two wheels from the impact. But given that it barrel rolls tells me it’s hauling ass.
I mean the Volt. A Bollard would have crushed the rear roof on that car. They don’t design the roofs for pole impacts and there aren’t airbags up there in the headliner.
They said the pedestal popped the Volt up enough to alter its trajectory. In the news report video, it’s still standing in the cement, so seems like it offered at some significant resistance.
Anything that dissipates energy helped in the matter.
Speeding? Indicating a turn then speeding up and going straight? General asshattery? Driving under the influence of something that isn’t listed in what can ding an DUI?
“...and that is why on Day 1 of my presidency that I will outlaw EVs and hybrids and mandate a payphone be installed on every street corner in the country! And not just payphones, but coal-powered payphones!”
“The CEO managed to get investors to pay more mind to Tesla’s potential in a future dominated by artificial intelligence than its sluggish sales and earnings at present.”
backup camera location?
“Basically, the HOA is saying that the state law lacks the language that would enforce them to not enact the pickup rule against the residents and until the law contains that language, there isn’t much that residents of The Meadows can do.”
I use tailgate pads on my truck. I would expect to pay $150-$250 for most pads, so this one isn’t exorbitantly overpriced.