
Grandfather fought in WW2. We all learned from an early age that guns are weapons, not toys; and weapons are always handled with respect. Too many people today treat guns like items to be paraded around for show, like jewelry. It’s quite frankly sickening. 

This is the dumbest fucking country on earth. This asshole needs to spend a little time in jail. 

Fighter jets are not...

Hey there, I don´t comment very often as I can´t be bothered, frankly. I am in grays, so fuck it ... but I decided that I like you and I may be able to help. (if you read the comments, obviously)

Here is the almost perfect car for you ... I am saying almost, as I am not sure if you can stretch it that match.

Shelby was

Jaguar F Type. $35,000 probably won’t get you a manual (unless it has big miles on it) but will get you an early v8 example

Diddy Kong is a sure thing, they may reimagine some Diddy Kong Racing Courses to go with it.

Kirby would be a fantastic new addition with a course inspired by something from Air Ride.

I’d be nice to actually have Capt. Falcon (and not just the Amiibo skin) in the game since we already have two courses and the blue

Meowser pls

Diddy Kong was one of my favorites on Wii, so I hope they take advantage of this opportunity to remedy that long injustice.

Okay. So, being young and bored in the military is a historically bad combination. Back in the mid-90's I went through all of the training to become an M1A1 Abrams tanker at Ft Knox, KY only to be stationed at.... Ft Knox, KY... in a training unit where we operated and maintained the tanks that officers  would train

It’s so harmless. He’s not even asking them to go out of their way to find and fix messed up displays. He’s just asking them to tidy up if they happen to come across one. It’s a bit silly and presumptuous, but who cares? At worst, he’s making life easier for the employees of the stores and giving some kids a feeling

Holy crap. From Michigan, and did the EXACT SAME THING at Mt. St. Helens, after leaving a cool little diner in Cougar, WA.

Damn, that is bad. Here in the U.S. metal theft is a problem but it’s usually stolen from vacant homes, construction sites, unattended vehicles and stuff like that. Not public utilities. Any reputable recycler will call the police if you walk in with power line equipment or railroad parts and for metals other than

I had TMNT manhole covers as a boy!  Mine came in a 4-pack too and I wore em every day I could

In my experience, there’s always a chance when you walk by a manhole cover that a purple robot ninja will jump out of the sewer and throw the cover at you, so I guess get good at catching?

You do you, but even with emulators I’ve never been able to progress very far in the original Metroid and I love the rest of the series. Having started with Super Metroid, the lack of a map in-game is basically a dealbreaker and that’s before you get to all the other aspects that make it (to me at least) so hard as to

Tesla is likely more shocked they have a store there than they are by this law. 

This is a list of shiny new things... come on dude.  One has to win.

Over the long run, 99 percent of Funkos are worthless outside of whatever depraved joy fans get from occasionally making eye contact with the ones lining their shelves.

They’ve been leaning more and more into it since Awakening. Which has been great for them, but not for me.

So more like “real-time Into the Breach”? Sold.