
Ultimate Destruction was superb. All you’d need to do would be to update it, maybe set it in a neutral sandbox, and go to town.

I’m counting on it.

You of course realize that the only part of this story that anybody will hear is the out of context bit about Brad Pitt’s wandering penis, right?

Sobriety's a bitch, but you're a fucking asshole.

Seems like they were trying to dodge a bullet here and she decided to start lobbing grenades instead.

Yeah, I was trying to make a joke. I had no idea who Jeannette McCurdy was either. I still don’t, really.

Man, I wonder why Platinum wanted to get rid of her 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

You got them mixed up. Jeannette McCurdy was a child star on the Nickelodeon teen hit - ICarly, she recently published a biography of her time as a childstar detailing her complicated family relationship with her mom, child stardom and life-long eating disorder. The person you are thinking of on MTV and autism-vaccine

Life finds a way

This is among other things including being a TERF, supporting blue lives matter and seemingly being in support of noted ghoul Joel Osteen

Just a lot of good good stuff coming from her

This situation is going to leave a lot of people sour, and rightfully so, but the net result seems pretty positive, to me? Bayo gets a top-notch VO, Platinum gets to pay for it fairly, the internet got to chew on paying people for their work for a week or so, and the original VO will fade into obscurity now that the

She used to be on MTV and thinks vaccines cause autism.

Regarding Henry was a bad film. His Mission movie was bad and, sadly, served as a soft reboot of the franchise and we’re still feeling its effects (dear god, why is Simon Pegg still in these movies?) despite McQuarrie doing generally good things with the franchise in later years. Trek movies, bad. SW movies, real bad.

Good thing he never asked her to get his prescriptions filled.

I have one tangential story about Perry, which is that about 20 years ago we knew a guy who worked as a hairstylist on Friends. So he was on set a lot and got to know some of the cast and crew; he became Jennifer Aniston’s regular hairdresser (for, like, premieres and events and such) for several years. During that

Coates has done some interesting comics work, but seeing as I have never liked anything with JJ’s name on it.... I’m sure his rot will run right through it and override anybody with taste.

So yeah, still going to hope for development hell. Just make sure Coates gets a few nice paydays for his time.

My knee-jerk reaction was, “Negatively, hopefully” but as just a producer, his track record is pretty good. It’s his work as a writer/director that I dislike.

Imminent retirement? Please say imminent retirement.

Development hell would be nice. His last attempt at a Superman script was hideous dogshit, so please... development hell.