
I think it’ll be at least three years, but yeah, this seems likely. Not that I don’t have confidence in Gunn (he’s got the chops to have great ideas for DC’s characters and how to build a successful world, and a lot of blockbuster experience) but there’s no good reason to have faith in Zaslav, or his debt-ridden

I could be misremembering, but didn’t Gunn talk a while ago about disliking having to hew to continuity with characters and not wanting to feel tied down by synergy?

That’s a good point. BvS kept reiterating that the only difference between them was iconography: day vs night, man vs god, etc. Like... they’re fundamentally different people but the reason both of them wanted to fight each other was “this guy’s a menace, he’s too dangerous and I’m the only one who can stop him

I normally would love this but realistically don’t see it mattering anyway. They put him behind the wheel of a ship that’s already sinking. All these fanciful notions that finally we’ll get that Booster Gold or Challengers of the Unknown movie are just waves breaking on the rocks of reality: That Zaslav is gonna just

The Synderverse couldn’t even seem to tell the difference between Batman and Superman. They’re both grimdark somber serious bores.

We already have a perfectly fine 40k movie and it's called Chronicles of Riddick.

This piece sounds like it was written by his publicist.

It also forgot to make them fun. The Marvel films (well, the good ones) get that right - comics are supposed to be enjoyable, even when they are telling a darker story or sending a complex message. Most of the DCEU stuff just feels like a slog. (Snyder, notably, seems anti-fun.) I’m not sure anyone in the MCU has a

One Year Later...

As long as they don’t make him start with re-re-re-re-re-reboots of Batman and Superman, it could be fun.

Somewhere the blood of the Snyderbros are boiling over. Yes, they’re still out there, still insisting that he needs to come back.

To be fair, Angel had to sacrifice Holland Manners because he loved Fonzie.

I found Angel more insufferable than Buffy, honestly. Yes, Buffy could act like a total teenager sometimes, but she was literally a teenager so at least that’s authentic writing. Angel is like 200 years old (and looks like he’s 30) yet he frequently acts less mature than Buffy. In both shows, the lead character is one

It came back now in then in the later seasons. She has a whole song in “Once More with Feeling” complaining how she’s not allowed to be like other girls and how everyone expects her to save the day rather than solving their own problems.

Now playing

As much as I loved Buffy (a lot), Angel became the better show - and the more realistic one in that much like real life, the good guys can occasionally raise a fist in defiance to the bad guys but ultimately the bad guys win (insofar as they’re beyond the simple win/lose dynamic for starters).

Ranking Interview with the Vampire at all after one episode is stupid.

The only way Hemlock Grove belongs at #25 is if no writer could think of a 26th show for this list.

The “chosen one” constantly whining “Why me? Why couldn’t I lead a normal life instead?” is a tedious trope that gets used again and again not only in Buffy but medieval fantasy, science fiction, and superhero stories as well. It would nice to see someone who just accepts their fate and gets to work for once.

I think the US remake of Being Human is one of the rare examples that a US remake was better than the original. The UK series just carried on for too long and eventually replaced the entire main cast, sometimes between seasons.

Penny Dreadful’s finale was planned? I call bullshit on that. It was horrible and felt like a last minute rush job. The whole show went from okay to laughably bad to excruciatingly bad. It was a big waste of a great cast and premise.