Hands up for those TOS nerds who immediately recognized that the screen grab of her and Koenig was taken from “Trouble with Tribbles”....
Hands up for those TOS nerds who immediately recognized that the screen grab of her and Koenig was taken from “Trouble with Tribbles”....
Fun drinking game - shot / beer every time she stares silently into the camera (if your liver can take it).
Still my favorite Uhura moment ever.
“concludes producer Alex Kurtzman, who has worked on a variety of titles across the franchise.”
Moss vows to take her two expressions even FURTHER
Oh boy, two more seasons of long, unnecessary Elizabeth Moss closeups so she can bring that Emmy home for the Scientology crowd!
Half Life 3 confirmed!
I’d rather you kept them in a woodchipper
I am pretty much with you. COVID is far from over and I would not be surprised in the slightest if we see measures reinstated again this winter
“Man I miss the 80's and 90's when everyone wasn’t acting like a little b*tch about everything.” I, too, wish the government of Florida didn’t act like the LGBT+ community had cooties.
If an organization cancels an event they were going to hold, they should be allowed to explain why. I’m sorry you think keeping their attendees safe and LGBTQ+ people existing (which make up a decent number of speedrunners for some games) are “politics”.
Shut the fuck up snowflake
Reminder: keep the nazis and incels in the greys where they belong
I never got into political arguments with any friends or family until 45 got into office. I’ve also never heard my dad say he loves me, but I’ve heard him say - on more than one occasion - that he loves 45. Politics suck and it’s even worse when it divides families.
I’m not a republican, and you can thank republicans for that.
Bullying fascist pieces of shit are always sore losers, always.