
My man I don’t think you want that in your browsing history

times like this, I’m glad I never liked her to begin with.

Yikes. It’s somehow worse than you described.

This is a clear deflection of responsibility and not remotely akin to remorse. She is sorry she has to face consequences. 

Now playing

She once bragged during an interview that an ex-boyfriend was a pimp and that she “stole his bitch” and then she started exploiting the woman sexually and financially. The interviewers keep trying to make sound less horrifying than it is, but TH doubles down and goes on to explain she called the woman dogface. (Starts

Not just for this, but yes. Fuck her.

Well, when you write endless, cynical gossip to drive clicks, you inevitably end up contradicting yourself. Hilarious that an article they literally published yesterday said this movie was supposed to be great. At this point I only visit the site to see what new level of embarrassment they’ve reached.

Well, at least New AV Club is continuing the Old AV Club tradition of hyping some random movie to the hilt only to ultimately give it a C-.

She regrets “agreeing to act” in it? I guess I shouldn’t expect anything more than the most passive language imaginable from someone involved in an active case, but I can comfortably say fuck her.

Fun update: their Russian host just said “No thanks!” and pulled the plug:

Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms!

Affleck is the bomb in Phantoms, yo!

Apparently even if you were in it you can’t remember it.

Oh, not Phantoms?