
Yeah, there were elements I appreciated but the Ohmygod this is the best Batman ever! reception was a little mystifying. With Reeves at the helm, I have to assume that The Penguin will consist of long, ponderous, slow-moving episodes that look great but feature far too many side-plots and dozens of secondary

and each were more focused, shorter

Pretty excellent analysis you managed to cram into a couple sentences! the Batman managed to hold my attention for a while, but it did not have a great story or action, and I have no desire to ever watch it again. But I’ll still watch the sequel when it arrives.

I liked The Batman better when it was three different movies called Seven, Zodiac, and The Dark Knight, and each were more focused, shorter, and all-around better. The Batman itself was pretty okay.

For those interested, Spy X Family, Kaiju No. 8, and Ghost Reaper Girl are all available to read legally on Shonen Jump’s website and app as part of their $1.99 a month binge reading subscription. New issues are also available to read on the same day as in Japan. 

It’s been becoming that way in English and European football in the last thirty years. And since there’s no salary caps in England/Europe, the teams with the rich foreign owners now have payrolls and budgets going into the tens of billions of dollars as they’re spending tens of millions on a single player, creating a

The big difference here is that clubs are rooted in the communities where they’re based. Owners come and go, some good, some bad, but the club and its supporters remain. The idea that a team can up sticks and move 500 miles away is treated with horror.

It’s really cool to see the shift for anime movies based off shows go from Fathom Theaters niche events to 3,000 screens and doing $30-50 million domestic. Also DBS couldn’t have picked a better window with all the studios out of tentpole pictures for a while now that their COVID related logjams are clear.

Way more teenagers think anime is cool now than in previous generations. This will happen again for sure.

What if...you didn’t take to social media at all, which was my point? 

And here you are, making comments, hoping for stars.

The guys at Mansory are pulling their hair out, there is no where left on this car to add more more ugly.

To lose sense of any sort of boundaries means you have to have had it first. To say that social media has turned billions of people into thoughtless, soulless, attention-whoring monsters with no senses of boundary, subtlety, context or humor is putting it overwhelmingly lightly.

Christ, both of these people need to get the fuck off of social media. If you’re an actor, don’t DM film critics with a passive aggressive “jokes.” If you’re a film critic, don’t post tetchy TikTok videos in response. I’m still theoretically a couple of decades away from my “old man yells at cloud” phase of my life,

This one is on my list to watch, though I have fears that this is going to amount to a well-intentioned PR stunt. It is my understanding that English football is different - it is done as a semi-public good and way for owners to measure dicks, rather than the US mindset which is “monetize everything, get paid, lower

You must not have heard of the Kardashians. What a bag of assholes who are famous for no reason. 

I think he was canceled for tongue bathing Trump.

It reminds me of Jet Li in Lethal Weapon 4. I was unable to maintain my suspension of disbelief watching him not immediately kill Glover and Gibson.