I dunno. This seems like a good way to play old Genesis games, but when the Mega Sg comes out, that might be better.
I dunno. This seems like a good way to play old Genesis games, but when the Mega Sg comes out, that might be better.
Netflix is going to catch a LOT of shit for trying to do this. But it won’t even compare to the online lashing they’ll get if they fuck this up. Which, based on their past track record (Death Note, anyone?), is probably likely. They really shouldn’t do this.
Sweet fancy Moses. Netflix is going to ruin Cowboy Bebop just like they ruined Death Note, aren’t they? This is a baaaaaaaaaaaad idea.
I’d feel better about this if it somehow led to the Eva Blu-rays finally coming out in North America. Then I could own Evangelion in the umpteenth different version since it first came out.
Sure there is. A release of 3.33. I own it. Here’s a link:
This dude has a fetish for GERWALK mode. Battroid mode or GTFO!
Saw it this weekend and it was awesome. I can’t wait for Creed III. And I especially can’t wait for Creed VII: Bianca’s Revenge!
I will walk right over and through people to get to the dressing. I will make sandwiches out of it. And they are glorious.
Goddammit I miss him and Michelle SO MUCH.
Must...resist...urge...to make...stereotypical...Aussie...joke...
That’s it. I give up on this movie. Warner Bros./DC, you’ve done fucked up again.
Look, I love me some Jason Momoa. Chewie is never not going to have a special place in my heart. He’s great. But this movie looks positively craptastic, in that way that only the DCEU can be. So no thanks to this. And I know I’m not the only one that feels this way.
Amazon wants us to fight to see what will inevitably be another DCEU piece of crap? No thank you.
The vote was 6-1 for the change? Who the hell was the one person who didn’t? And what the fuck is wrong with that person?
Good. Consign these Republican/conservative/fascist bastards to the dustbin of history.
OK, Reggie. Sell them to me. My wallet is ready.