No thanks to Sabrina. I couldn’t be less interested. Besides, today is Castlevania day! WOO HOO! 8 episodes baby!
Yet another Alex Kurtzman-fronted Star Trek disaster. CBS seems to be doing everything it can to ruin Star Trek.
Damn. Everyone just rips off Warhammer with no shame, don’t they?
And while that does raise the theologically/racially puzzling question of whether Megyn Kelly thinks Jesus should get in trouble for wearing blackface at Halloween, it also points to the fact that she still has a frankly baffling amount of learning to do before she gets to the baseline of basic decency that most…
I can’t wait for the next appalling installment of this series, but I still think you ought to be drawn and quartered for overcooking A5 wagyu and then dipping it into fucking ketchup
Some guys took IRC and made a business version of it they called Slack, which they make people pay for/subscribe to. It’s also filled with some of the most annoying people you will ever meet online, people who go to pieces and act like the world is ending whenever Slack temporarily goes down.
It’s amazing, isn’t it? People are so invested in WW doing well that they’re not only willing to overlook that Gal Gadot can’t act her way out of a paper bag, they flat out ignore it or tell you that you don’t know what you’re talking about. Even directly showing them how bad an actress she is (in basically everything…
They’ll probably kill off Steve Trevor again. Gotta milk that for all it’s worth.
If it’s between Top Gun or WW, I’ll pick Top Gun. Gal Gadot has all the acting talent of a moldy piece of bread.
20 more episodes of this show on top of the ones yet to air aren’t going to help this sub-par show get any better. Cut your losses, Netflix. Let it go. Or take the money you’re planning on spending on this not-good-at-all show, and spend it on more seasons of Futurama instead.
“I know I’m going to regret saying this”
Crunchyroll and Funimation are breaking up?!
They look like Yokozuna from One Piece.
The image makes perfect sense. Those aren’t cars about to run into each other. They’re secret flying cars getting ready for take-off. Yup.
After 8 years of having to put up with all the bullshit he did in Washington, President Obama can care or not care about whatever the hell he wants.
It never fails to amaze how lacking in self-awareness some companies are about their products. Especially Chinese companies.
You know why.