
Being the happy owner of a Super Nt myself (not to mention someone who is getting ready to buy a Nt mini), I don’t think there’s any question that I will be getting a Mega Sg to play my old Sega titles. Analogue’s quality speaks for itself when you play one of their systems. The most authentic retro gaming experience


“This is the song that never ends......yes it goes on and on my friend......

Why does it feel like everyone is surprised by this? Did people think he was not going to come back for the sequel? There was no way this wasn’t going to get done. Disney can do stupid things (and does), but even they aren’t dumb enough to not bring Ryan Coogler back.

“Few TV shows have served as a more reliable incubator of talent over the last few years than The Daily Show

So when you put on your Klan hood/outfit, what color is it? Is it the usual white, or is it that weird-as-fuck purple grand wizard shit?

Man, fuck this racist bee-eye-tee-see-aech. She is a willing participant in all of this. She signed up for it. I have no sympathy for her. Oh, and she literally steals Michelle Obama’s speeches and she’s a fucking birther. Whatever shit comes her way, she’ll have earned all of it and more.

Can we finally give up on Kanye now? Please? Kick his stupid ass to the curb and leave it there. So what if he occasionally puts out some good music? It can’t possibly make up for this bullshit he keeps doing. When he hugs Trump or says that a MAGA hat is a Superman cape, that shit is poisonous. It’s fucking septic.

No problem! A good SNES clone is hard to find, and now that we have one, spreading the word around is the least I can do.

Welp. Time to go play Wing Commander III.

Now playing

If you’re looking for this to work 98% of the time, I’d say the Super Nt meets that. I’ll put it this way: I think it’s about as good of an SNES experience as you will get on a HDTV. Graphics, audio, everything. The games won’t play exactly as you remember them (if you want that, get a CRT and hook up an original SNES

If you want a good solution for SNES games on your HDTV, I’d suggest Analogue’s Super Nt. It’s not cheap ($189.99), but it’s amazing. It does everything a Super Nintendo/Famicom will do and is compatible with every accessory save the Super Scope. I got mine in SF colors and I love it.

AES carts are insane. and have been for the past quarter-century. Trying to collect them is almost a fool’s errand unless you have loads of cash on you. Otherwise, it’s unbelievably slow going. But man, playing games on an AES...it’s the gaming equivalent of driving an exotic supercar. It’s fantastic. I just love it.

“Cat Sucks At Elite Dangerous

I can understand calling it a great bad movie, because it is. It is certainly “The Room” of comic book films. But for the moment, after subjecting myself to it, all I can see is that it’s a bad movie. A really, really bad movie. Holy shit this movie is terrible.

Looks like it’s adapting everything up until the conclusion of Sei vs. Seikyou. The guy who’s playing Sei definitely has his intensity nailed down. Shin looks alright, I guess. I also see Yotanwa, Shou Bun Kun, Karyo Ten, good ol’ useless Heki and all of one second of Ou Ki (booooo), not to mention I didn’t even see

Christmas tree-flavored chips! Yeah, that sounds...just awful.

Are there people actually up in arms about this? If so...why?

17 suggestions, 15 of them mind-blowingly stupid. The only good ones are Alexander Siddig and Idris Elba, because fuck yeah they’d be awesome at this.

So this was the breaking point for her? This is what finally got her, after all this time, to pick a side? Better late than never, I guess.