Porgs is good eatin’. Roasted with some garlic potatoes? Can’t beat it!
Anna Wintour.
Counter-counterpoint: Yuh huh.
Oh I hope he tries. It’ll be the end of George Zimmerman. Quite literally.
It shouldn’t drive you nuts, and you shouldn’t be mad at yourself. As a lifetime SW fan myself, I can assure you: you aren’t the only one who thinks this way. The movie is not good.
Good riddance!
This sucks. RIP.
This movie...this is not a good movie. TLJ, you suck.
Best way?
The Switch is a god-send. It’s a way for me to game regardless of the situations I’m in. I love this damn thing.
They won’t, though.
Yeah...it’s not going to catch on.
Why all this sturm und drang about soccer? It isn’t like anyone in the U.S. gives a shit about it here.
IT IS! Time to download it!
Well, shit.