Yeah, but it’s a soccer game, so, you know...who cares?
Yeah, but it’s a soccer game, so, you know...who cares?
I think it shouldn’t be so shocking. Racism and all the batshit insane racial rules and crap that come with it confuse and baffle everyone on a regular basis. I guess that’s part of the point of it. I’m not trying to excuse anything here...just understand why.
Here’s the thing. Berserk is fantastic. It is more than worth reading. It’s certainly one of the 5 best manga ever made, IMO. It’s part high fantasy, part Lovecraft, part Clive Barker, and a bunch of other things, and all of it put together is so, so, so good.
Please don’t go back on hiatus, please don’t go back on hiatus, please don’t go back on hiatus, please don’t go back on hiatus...
Frankly, The Game Awards needed a moment like this to get people interested. Even if it was certifiably nutso.
Best guess I’ve heard up to this point.
So...I think I liked what I saw. But what the fuck did I just see?
I demand a free copy of Smith & Smitherson Accounting+. I DEMAND IT!
Chapter 125.
Yeah. Start from the beginning, none of that CG crap. Traditionally animated with as high a budget as they can get. It would knock people on their collective asses.
They need to get over this. And fall in love with Detective Pikachupool.
Kingdom is a manga you need to read. It’s SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good.