Pops Freshenmeyer

Now apologise for the dialogue...homeskillet.

This is not a shot at the writer, whose work on Allmusic I’ve enjoyed, but is this what we’re doing now? Listicles that have already been done to death by dozens nay hundreds of other sites and blogs and magazines since forever? (at least in internet terms).

*mentions Sticky Fingers, makes no mention of one of, if not the best, Keith Richards’ riffs in ‘Bitch’*

I think it’s probably Maori.

8 click vs 1.

On one hand, I feel bad for pathetic little fucks like him. The internet has pumped them so full of hate and resentment that they honestly don’t know what else to do with it all. Taking his rage out on the internet is the snake eating its own tail.

He’s Dennis Miller now. Whatever Chappelle once was is gone. He’s just an old guy yelling at clouds.

Dave targets everyone equally”

My eyes melted out of my skull like Toht in Raiders halfway through reading this

This is a racist witch hunt, maybe focus on your white peers in government who are rolling back your civil rights instead of attacking a comedian and alienating people of color.


Free speech MUST remain free.

“The more you say I can’t say something, the more urgent it is for me to say it. It has nothing to do with what you’re saying I can’t say.”

Now Dave Chappelle’s saying we can’t say that he can’t say something, which makes it all the more urgent for us to say he can’t say it, which makes it urgent for him to say it and for us to say he can’t say it and him to say we can;t say he can’t say it.

Hey you leave Tom Petty outta this.  Also Mary Jane’s Last Dance and Something in the Air are bangers.

Goddamn severance is amazing. Cannot wait for the next season. 

Sarandos just wants an excuse to say the N-word at dinner parties.

Such a boring, flabby man with a boring, flabby act.

This has gone to a weird place. Not for popular black comedians refusing to cool it on the jokes about queer people (that goes back to Arsenio Hall and Kenan Ivory Wayans), but for Sarandos.

John Turturro was excellent in Severance as usual, but Tillman was revelatory