Pops Freshenmeyer

I imagine Gavin Edwards feels like a real idiot when these stories come out. 

Not saying from AV Club’s perspective, but from my previous experience writing movie reviews, the overall grade is sometimes interpreted by the supervising editor. The critic writing the review can put in all the nuance into their review, but it’s often up to the editor to summarize with the arbitrary letter grade.

Has any movie ever dominated the news cycle so far in advance of its release quite like Greta Gerwig’s Barbie?


A fahkin’ movie set in Bawston, and they don’t have scenes of ‘im sipping on a Dunks Coolahtah in th’ middle of fahkin’ Fenway, pal!?

1) I like that the camera guy caught Sandra Oh just as he was falling down.

I don’t care about the reputable the journalist is anymore.

Would it be so bad if they did another “all-star” one-off season of previously established comedic personalities?

Then he’d be all like, “Yeah? Well, my dad kicked Elvis in the shin and lived to tell the tale.”



Double Arches!” - Ronald McDonald, on the art of lovemaking

In news tangentially related to SNL, Franz Ferdinand has been shot. 

Well, I think Garrett Morris is still there. And Lorraine Newman, maybe? 

He’ll play my favorite DC villain, Old Joker.

Ha! Jokes on you, fools! You’re too late!


“I literally prayed, ‘Please have a joke at the end. Don’t do this. Please don’t go down there.’...”


Sweet Jesus, they didn’t just kill it off like they should have?!