Pops Freshenmeyer

If you’re still in the audience for that kind of book long after you start to notice the smaller ‘and Ghost MacAuthor’ or ‘with Hired von Handwriter,’ under the headline, you probably aren’t the kind of person to feel scammed by such a thing.

It’s a fantastic life: All the creative work for (usually) a decent share of the advances and royalties, none of the complications of fame and notoriety. He can continue the life of being an author with the elusive goal of never having to wonder about what your next project will be or when it will come, or whether or


Woah! Are you a New York Times published poet?!

Can you put it in slideshow format please? Thanks.

The reason he doesn’t meet many 52-year old white makes in the publishing game anymore is that he’s reached the level of success that warrents a heavily armed body guard in front of him for every time some schmuck comes running up to him asking if he could give a look at their manuscript.

“Big, dirty money” -- the kind that only Netflix can throw at a turd like “Don’t Look Up.”


“Dog Day Afternoon” restaged as a standoff between Batman and the Joker?

... And Peter Boyle as Condiment King!

Or “The Gift?”

I am more interested in this ‘feud’ than I am in the show, mostly because it seems more like a realistic example of how people work and speak, opposed to the show’s version of that. 

I’ve never liked Kate McKinnon fully. Her versatility as an impressionist is nothing I could take away, but SNL seemed to force her into a kind of Kristen Wiig “just do a wild-eyed stare and that’ll get laughs” kind of punchline. It made it annoying to see her doing character work.

As if he didn’t do this interview: https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/the-trouble-with-johnny-depp-666010/

Sonic’s ad people have some of the best designers in the business. They always have a way of making their desserts and drinks look like they’d have the biggest, most delicious flavors, it’s always a wonder they end up being so bland and awful. 

I refused to watch this season because I heard this Che character ‘does a lot of weed,’ and I am not a fan of television shows pushing their pro-drug agendas onto the family.



{Song ends}