On what? Evidence of previous instances of jiggy performances? Yes.
On what? Evidence of previous instances of jiggy performances? Yes.
Forget doing another Indy flick! It’s time for Short Round to shine!
At least he can fall back on getting jiggy in the meantime.
You really did do a bang-up job, Internet!
I think you might be confusing Fallon for Louis C.K.
It happens.
I had no idea about this.
It’s likely to be nothing for multiple reasons, and to be honest, I feel like within a year, or two, people are going to be okay with it. Maybe bring it up as a thing that happened (you know, like referencing “G.I. Jane” in 2022), but Will Smith’s star power as-is, and the potential, is that this is likely to be the…
As if COVID-19 had not already done enough to harm the world!
I don’t think Will Smith’s career is ‘destroyed,’ per se. It’s taken a more serious hit than I think most people expect given the length and variety to his career. If “Seven Pounds” and “Pursuit of Happyness” wasn’t enough to kill Will Smith’s career toward a seemingly inevitable Oscar win for something or another,…
Feels like it was a full year before NPR stopped talking about how amazing that gimmick was.
Having said that: I do think Patricia Arquette deserved her Academy Award win for it. I just wish it were in a better movie worth my time to rewatch.
She promises she’ll pay for the damages.
This is a shame.
Lisa needs braces!
“And the good boy is...”
Weird place to flex that you didn’t see “The Batman,” but cool.
Richard Linklater is a know-nothing nobody who don’t do nothin’ good for no one!
I think it’s something along the lines of, “It’s in the script, but it’s not in the movie.”
Still doing Bechdel test articles as if it means somethin’, huh?