Man if only. And not on a basic network.
Man if only. And not on a basic network.
You suck. Get some air, sunlight, or kill yourself.
So is 'Bolling' now going to be a verb?
I find it ironic that folks that live in trailer parks support a dude who had gold plated toilets. #it'sstillshit
Ya know I normally hit our AV Club post section to revel in the puns or interesting factoids regarding whatever topic. But seriously this pisses me off bigly. This poor guy who was murdered ACCORDING TO THE DC POLICE due to a botched robbery, is being used as a polititical scapegoat by the alt-right like Scum Hannity…
I have no puns but I loved Strange Days. Sadly I am alone.
Grab her by the pickle!
Mike Pence: Adventures in Babysitting!
Never Say Never by Romeo Void. It's the saxes man.
Eeewww. He's creepy. Ah, so is she.
As a dumb teenager my friends and I went to see Alien, thinking it'd be like Star Wars. We had no pre-conceived idea. Were we shocked out of our seats. Never saw anything so scary and tense. Nothing since has ever delivered the same OMFG reaction. (Except possibly Requiem For a Dream). I suppose reading reviews on the…
Aww. Buckle up Sean. Everything worked out fine for Glen Beck…oh wait…
He's a Beast.
ON TOPIC: As a gay guy I liked this movie when I first saw it because at that time I thought, "sure. Affleck." Later seeing it I was kind of put off by the premise. But now, sure, sexuality is much more fluid. So I guess the movie's fluidity changes as time goes on.
Now with his multi million severance pay he can hire classy hookers.
I saw Kelly perform in Miami with the Margaret Cho revue. Its hilarious live. And he/she threw in "zapatos" for the Latin crowd.
I only knew of Joan Blondell because I was a horny little gay boy and had a crush on Bobby Sherman in "Here Come the Brides". Loved her character Lottie the saloon owner. AND…saw Trog at the Saturday matinee movies.
Omg. I saw Trog at the fifty cent double feature when I was a kid. I remember thinking "Trog looks fake." And poor JC in the cave. "Trog? Are you there?"
Am I the only person on this god-forsaken planet who actually thought Little Nicky was funny and enjoyable?? <oh jeebus,="" i="" am…="">
I think Charlie realized that RPDR just wasn't her thing. A lot of young'uns can intimidate an older queen. I grew up with queens. They have a certain decorum having been through the grind of it all. I mean a Reality Show is a young person's game. As this episode went on I could see the fatigue wearing on Charlie. And…