
I love you and your wife.

Why would you think he's not just being friendly and that he smiles at anyone who meets his eye?

Whoops—I just said the exact same thing! Should've read the comments before I posted.

I don't really understand the point of this experiment. The ways people reacted (as reported in the news story) were not particularly surprising or even cruel, but probably more the way anyone would react in hearing about someone far too young to have a child. Did she expect everyone to be congratulating her on her

Pendleton Woolen Mills, but they're not going to be available until September, and they don't look quite the same.

Didn't she try and sell access to the royal family to an undercover journalist, who secretly filmed her actually rubbing her hands together in front of a table of money and saying, "I can guarantee you an introduction to Prince Andrew"?

Hahaha—actually, my theory on the menfolk is that they don't notice because they stop looking at women past a certain age anyway. With some women though, it seems to have become a competition. One friend of mine says that she automatically checks a room to ensure that she's the youngest looking of all the women. Her

Wow—never would have thought so, but now that you mention it, I can't not see it.

And yet she managed to avoid skin cancer.

I know! Particularly women who have chosen to simply age gracefully without nips, tucks, and lasers. One thing always shocks me: I have never heard any of my male friends comment on middle-aged women looking their age, but almost every one of my women friends routinely comments on other women who look older or younger

She sure doesn't look fat, but I recall comedians (especially Joan Rivers) in the 1970 and 1980s telling endless Liz-Taylor fat jokes.

Yes. Oh yes.

When the mum's trying to be all wise-sagey and tells her daughter she was a total slag in high school.

Tim? Is that you??

Man, I'd love to be a burning-his-clothes-on-the-front-lawn type of person.

I guess, but going through a divorce is so traumatic that I always assume that you would only go through one if your marriage was truly bad, not just boring.

You were using an anecdote as evidence. You set out your argument, and then offered as proof an anecdote: "You know how I know this? I was that patient."

Whenever I hear news about long-term marriages ending (this one...Tipper and Al....Susan Sarandon and that guy), I think it must be a relief to end years of quiet desperation.

I wonder what happens if you end up having a C-section: "Sorry, honey, but since there was no pushing involved, I have no choice but to return this lovely diamond ring to the store."

Yes, George Clooney—brilliant! I disagree with you about Reese, however: she could totally pull off Nora. You must be forgetting her in "Election," "Pleasantville," "Walk the Line." Zellwegger would be awful (that pout!), but Elizabeth Banks would be bang on!