
Not that i dissagre with you but russian population in Poland is zero and poland is not Eastern Europe i know it was called eastern in the past but 28 years have passed since poland was “estern block” geographically its Central Europe, politically there is nothing estern about poland (NATO member since 96 if i

NOt to act like a troll but russias interest in the ukraine is only related to the region around donbas were most people are russian anyway. Hence they are winning....

Mk1 or mk2?

See above for my post with a cortina pic, escort mk1 was smaller than capri, nothing to do with each other

Nope, it was related to ford cortina,

The 80s style wagons were meh...

It could have been cooler but in the current state i don’t think do...

Look it up, wikipedia awaits! :)

I agree except a w30 had 300hp net,

With these tires and open diff nothing should break, just spin one tire, this engine was factory rated at 300hp net. The seller is smoking dogshit

A fresh 72 w30 had 300hp net. This thing is slower than a honda odyssey....

Yes looks like modified combines with lowered cabins and lots of drivetrain mods. There has to be some sort of event for them since they were both extensivly modified. Nobody sane would made an expensive piece of farm machinery useless then throw thousands into it if it there wasnt an event for them.

Since most of us are talking about an attack (or counter attack) on the USA i think “small” exchange of 100 warheads is out of the question. Expect north pole winter but with no sun causing all plant matter to die, then all animals starving and dying.

Well said, dont forget about the winter.... neg 80 with nothing to warm the house up, widespread cannibalism etc

Do you even nuclear winter bro? You know neg 80F with no food sources, nothing to warm your house with, no meds etc, idk but hunting innocent people for food ain’t a fun prospect....

A stupid agument that some 12 year old trolls like to bring up here, they dont have carriers cause they have different strategy. In the same way a russian troll could say “we have superheavy battlecruisers and you dont”

Did he say new tires every 4 months? Thats absolutely unacceptable.... i mean even if money was no issue and i could afford 8grand a year for tires its such a waste of time to go to the tire place every 4 months....

Good job! Keep’em comming!

I see them around chicagoland once a while. Make sense since illinois has the largest polish population outside of poland

Im a c3 owner and i am pissed off!!!!!!!!