
Is it possible to roll coal on a detroit diesel two stroke? Thats what i would put in that vette if i wanted a diesel, diesel torque plus 2 stroke horse power. Not to mention not to many corvettes are both supercharged and turbocharged!

Everybody who likes planes definitely take a look at gerry of garcia sub blog- shit metric ton of amazing material, why wont foxtrot/jalopnik dump it on main feed once a while is beyond me....

Tyler was very conservative, he wouldn’t dare to critique a lot of things.

I think you need to look up “radical left” (hint, nothing to do with Bernie )

Not sure where you live but here taxes are used for funneling money from governent pockets to private pockets

You assume the court wont be biased? You must be from Australia... ;)

Its not like that, in illinois we have free interstates maintained by dot and paid tollways mainteined by the tollway authority which not inly supports itself but aso its own state poice etc. Not a dime goes there from any other state or fed institution

You have no clue what your talking about, red light cameras are installed and operated by private companies who then pay 20% of your ticket to the muncipality. The muncipality in return cuts the yellow aka orange light timing in half so your think your fine BAM light went form orange to red in a blink of an eye....

I guess you dont drive very far!

Isnt the taurus/explorer twins based on an old volvo platform? I think the dodge charger is based on a mercedes e class platform from the 90ties or something....

The trick to cop cars is to get state police/highway patrol ones, we auctioned off most all of the crown vics but they were in great shape and serviced by $90k/year mechanics, oem everything, you could get a 5yo crown vic with 120-150k miles for under 3k when we had a big batch go for auction once last year

The trick to All these eastern block cars you have to diassemble and reasemble them your way (paying attention and having less than .1 BACin your system). Thats what a guy owning little fiat told me (polish fiat 126, i think they were called little fiat in hungary). They have good design (for what they were) but QC

If i was to get a soviet economy car no way would i pick the lada, why stop at rwd when you can have rear air cooled engine too

If they still make them means ther is a good market for them (somwhere in boratland). Here are some other ladas for you to consider( found on google)

Police fleets get parts for their chevy interceptors somehow....

I keep seeing goverment auctions for totaled chevy interceptors, you know the model not abailable to the public (fleets only) you can get them cheap but freaking parts scare me... it would be cool to have an interceptor version of an SS for under 10k (last one i saw sold for 4500 totaled)

Thats some expensive driveway!

Thats king of explaining stuff but there was no “soviets” in the time leading to ww1. Anyhow thanks for the elaborate answer. Cheers & peace!

The last time it happened ussr colapsed, previous incident of it happening was in 45 when germany capitulated. Can you alaborate who left the sceene prior to ww2?

Thanks for the complement, im tired of people thinking about a dyno as some sort of a god.... check dyno- swap something-check again on same dano sounds fine but ti test an old car and compare it to factory flywheel numbers is a bit of a joke. I mean why not yank that heep out and run it on an engine dyno? That way