Frell Ing

Warning: superficial response to your superficial note:

I have no idea why anyone would compare the Trump and Nixon administrations, beyond a staggering (nearly Trumpian) lack of familiarity with American history beyond “Nixon bad! Democrats good!”

Yeah, I fucked it up.

I always get a teary pang of nostalgia when the glorious remastered titles run, the X Files was SO important to me in my formative years that it physically pains me to sit through an episode this bad. Bad on every level. Just, baaaaad...but I will be there until the bitter end because my love for Mulder&Scully is

“We just happened to be outside the FBI nearby when Scully got into the accident and brought her in”. Or something. It was REAL WEIRD. I was expecting them to pick up the phone and call some mysterious voice on the other end. They are so badly written it seems like they are part of the conspiracy when I don’t think

Yeah. Those two popped up last night and I completely forget why.

“You impregnated her?” “With science, Mr. Skinner. Alien science.”

I’ll never understand why they love sidelining Anderson so much when she’s definitely the strongest actor they have.

I agree with you there. Trump even refused to meet with American Nobel Prize winners, breaking with tradition instated in 2001 like he was saying “Get lost, fucking nerds” We favor scandal and opinion and who’s got the biggest nuke button. Fuck that. And now the smoking nerd strikes back by destroying humanity. I love

Gillian Anderson too!

First, so much love for your user name. So. Much. Love.

Why weren’t you made back in season 7 when it was strongly hinted that this is what had happened? This isn’t a brand new plot point; it’s 18 years old.

My god, are you serious?? RELAX

There are so many, many reasons why this episode will be hated. And most of them are totally legitimate. Carter’s inability to just accept the Mulder/Scully relationship is the center of the show chief among them.

Somehow the idea of a woman finding herself having been drugged on a weekend getaway with a creepy dude, falling pregnant shortly thereafter, and NEVER CONNECTING THE TWO is less probable than all the other plot lines of every episode ever made put together.

I...did not like the reveal. The show didn’t need that.

Everybody chill, now we will have 8 consecutive monster of the week stories, even a Darin Morgan one

Carter, you’ve lost your damn mind.