The fact that you’re asking me to explain how all Trump supporters aren’t racist shows how far you are gone.
The fact that you’re asking me to explain how all Trump supporters aren’t racist shows how far you are gone.
Seriously, folks on the Left are all wondering why there is so much division and what the people on the right are so upset about. Usually right after calling them all sorts of vile names, while with the other side of that filthy mouth they preach “love and tolerance”.
I’m firmly #NeverTrump but this kind of nonsense…
Bigotry is a nice way to describe the idea of disagreeing with the value system of certain cultures in a pejorative manner. I have no problem with controlled immigration from Latin America or Muslim countries.
The irony of hating the Republicans like that and calling them “crawling, slimy fascist bigots” is really dumb and ironic. I’m not sure if you are comparing them to Nazis but that is also really dumb.
It must help your small mind to categorize everything into neat little black and white groups.
I didn’t see any evidence of bigotry in this article, just claims of it.
Calling someone a slimy bigot sure is easier than addressing different ideas, isn’t it?
No investigation has disproven Broaddrick’s claim. Therefore, it all comes down to, do you believe a sexual assault victim or do you not? Hillary apparently does not. Or, she’s decided that supporting a rapist is just not that big deal.
It’s not every day that a memoir is deemed so offensive that it warrants a response from a country’s embassy, but…
You can tell the people who are happy that 6 cops got killed because today they are whining that the Dallas Police Department didn’t sit around on their asses and let this guy kill more of them.
You mean the part where I wrote she looks like a man? Or the part where I wrote she looks like a gross tranny?
Lol don’t suffocate burying your head in the sand.
What do these things have in common?
Secular means that religion, often intertwined with nationalism, is separate from government. By this very definition, Turkey is not a very secular country. Again, the Kurds and the Gays might disagree with you. Not everything is “DARN RIGHT WINGERS”; the true social conservative threat to women and LGBT persons is…
It seems odd that no one is bringing up religion in an article about a gay pride parade being violently shut down. What’s the majority religion there in Turkey? I wonder!