Remember that time? when Baumgarner put the tag on Wong at first? and muscled him out of the baseline? and Matheny was all "waaah" and the fans were all psychologically dominated and deflated? That was cool.
Remember that time? when Baumgarner put the tag on Wong at first? and muscled him out of the baseline? and Matheny was all "waaah" and the fans were all psychologically dominated and deflated? That was cool.
1- no
You can always recognize Karen Carpenter's voice from a mile away. She possessed perhaps the most beautiful voice that popular music has ever known. As most know, she suffered from anorexia nervosa and she died at the age of 32. In this clip you can almost see the sadness in her eyes.
Yeah? Well you're a towel.
Lennay Kekua is a tough block.
2 Balls - 1 Strike
Maybe instead of ISIS we should be bombing St. Louis.
Looks to me like the center made a great play: he saw that the DE was offside, so the center intentionally snapped the ball early to guarantee the penalty. Go to the :25 mark of the video and you'll see the center do exactly that.
This team has won 2 of the last 4 World Series and they'e still that fucking nutty. Love it.
Hunter Pence washes his own mouth out with soap.
Dirty Mouth? Clean it up with Orbitz!
Is it too late to get rid of the First Amendment?
and he won't be going to any games because he's been dead for over a, there's that.
The first editor, Will Leitch, published guidelines in 2006. It essentially came down to, "Are you entertaining your fellow Deadspin readers, or are you just trying to provoke a response?"
I think I prefer dismissing and promoting to ninjaing. It's more self-regulating and enables new people to get published, if even for a short time.
Skeletor in the front, party in the back.