
pokemon acreus, did you mean pokemon go? or does acreus have a photo component? if so im suddenly interested.

GNC latine person attending game awards for the first time this year, will do my best to not bring the fit game down.

no guardians holiday special in december?

it also means not assuming american norms for design and inclusion are global norms. I’m all for DEI, but I also believe that we cannot impose culture or else its just colonialism all over again, even if well meaning.

The market will speak to it, and if Japan wants to sell to the US audiences they’ll get it better

inverted is better if you imagine a human head or a tripod (but then you should also inverty x axis, only doing one just feels like you came up with flight sims with y axis inverted), normal makes sense if you imagine a mouse pointer / aiming the reticle.

Standard makes sense, inverted y and x makes sense, normal x

respect on the diligent response. some folks are upset you came with receipts, I’m glad you’re trying to keep professional game reviewers to a higher standard.

they’re not wrong, almost as if there are entire massive groups of players that like the system and game and dont read enthusiast blogs or share perspectives of the core playerbase.

wait so we say body positivity, but also body shame elon musk? seems the entire article is saying “ew, he has a weird torso”. a bit of a double standard no, jezebel?

does anyone remember what the name of that cat based indie game that either came out recently or is coming out? its more like super hexagon / a fever dream on acid, but i think was called cat. or meow. or something? was covered here once, but cant for the life of me find it.

season of the haunted has been such a let down :( Last year they couldnt miss with their seasons, so my hopes were sky high for this year. sadly wasnt the case, hope next season course corrects.

Lol, this did not need to be a video. Like others saying, this feels like someone trying real hard to be Tim Rogers.

Here’s why redfall was underwhelming: fast moving melee enemies dont work vs first person cameras. Game needs to be third person, or enemies need to change. 

jesus can they just say it’s co-op deathloop/dishonored? would make it way easier to market and reduce confusion.

everyone sleeping on acapulco, its so good. not enough good programming with latin leads.

everyone sleeping on acapulco, its so good. not enough good programming with latin leads.

yep, likely already suffering from sleep apnea, so a respiratory condition makes sense to be more deadly for someone in that condition. I really hope we a society stop normalizing obesity, not everyone has to be thin, but theres a point past where it goes from normal body types to medical liabilities.

she wasnt, but she was morbidly obese which is a super high risk factor for COVID complications. Sad to hear, though i suspect this part of the story is less going to be focused on. I suspect perhaps more stringent criteria for volunteers at these events to make sure they’re not putting people in at risk categories at

did they ever rebalance the raid boss? i swear the difficulty spike is absurd. 

havent they been talking about this for years? I remember as far back as the OG Xbox, they included Sobe Energy drinks in the US version of Munch’s Oddysee.

Pretty sure sports games have been doing it for a while too, like Gatorade in NBA 2K. If it offsets costs and is non-intrusive, all for it. 

you know what sucks, if you boycott a cruchy game, youre really mostly punishing the devs who rely on studio bonuses to make the crunch worthwhile. Company will be fine with base performance, but “sticking it to the man” will pretty much just ensure the devs crunched for nothing.

Might be worth taking a more

this is why units are a misleading metric, and unfortunately why marketing can be misleading vs financials. Makes the press and players think “this is a success, how could they be upset” but if you look at guardians, if you sell millions of units at 50% discount or more, it pales in revenue vs if they had sold more at

on Steam? or where did you check player numbers? WOW isnt on steam so wondering what source you used.