
any chance we can get the character/game on these included in the picture description?

oh snap they made Mog’s pom yellow :( Like terra’s blonde hair, his pom has been yellow in concept art and portrait, but red in game as well as in ffbe. Not sure I can deal with a yellow pom in game.

I’m pretty hardcore, three characters at 335, and I grinded out all the ornaments for the three factions already. However, I feel in the minority in that I still very much enjoy the game. I dont expect to play it every day, and I recognize some of the faults, but its still incredibly fun and extremely unique.

can we please stop giving him attention. a week ago most people had no idea he existed. suddenly he’s everywhere. this is only making it worse

also this way they can sell more loot crates for you to replace your orc with...

And here I was hoping they’d update the game so the horrorfest that is the grind to act 4 was lessened. Instead we get this. Looks like I won’t be finishing this one then.

ok, just saw the achievemeny/trophy is required for plat, so thats unfortunate. That said, still dont see the big deal here.

DLC trophies dont count towards platinum, and this has always been the case with any MMO type game. Not sure why this is scandalous

I can tell you, I beat the game 100%, final moon count was over 950. a lot more moons open up once you beat bowser

you’re about halfway through the game, it definitely gets harder.

Chris, there is a reward for beating that final extra hard level. a few actually, nothing major, but a bunch of small treats for getting every single moon.

I’d say one factor not included here is the increased use of offshore development. $10k per month per person fully loaded sounds very reasonable for an estimated cost of a US based employee.

I really hope it includes the cut content from the snes CD version. I’ve been dreaming of this for years

Good lord I was initially turned off by the sports element, but from this review the game sounds thematically like spiritual successor to valkyrie profile I’ve long been aching for (interesting party members and having to pick who you send away). Backlog is enormous but this has certainly moved up the stack now.

Whenever these movies stop making money in Japan.

Why is there no love ever for Fzero X? Always hear about snes and gc but never n64. My personal favorite, still boot it up from time to to time.

I would do anything for a secret of mana director’s cut/remake that just adds all the cut Snes CD content. Game had to ported from CD to cartridge and lost a ton in the process, including bosses, areas, and story. Hope this sells tons so it encourages Square to consider it.

Now playing

How could you leave out Toy Commander on the dreamcast? Best game in the be tiny in a giant world genre. Keep hoping for a sequel/remake/remaster.

Nintendo sure does love bike shorts these days