
My thought re: the ridiculous “capture a white walker” plot was that Tyrion is trying to distract Dany. She can move towards being the Mad King and destroying Lannister armies OR he can keep her distracted with handling what’s going on in the north while he figures out some strategies. Also maybe he gets to cast her

I would say Arya has been entirely focused on killing her enemies and anyone in her way and then bolting while Sansa has had to learn diplomacy and politicking to stay alive and sees the value in it.

My interest in William is less than zero. Please wrap this storyline up and let everyone get on with their lives and Mulder and Scully can go back to chasing monsters. thx

I can’t get over Kit’s nerdy glasses.

And the Dothraki saying “your people cannot fight.” Tyrion’s face was just like - what hell have I unleashed upon Westeros?

But now he can charge quadruple because he’s a knight AND a dragonkiller!

Yeah I’m not 100% sure why she doesn’t just toast the castle at King’s Landing. Dragonfire is pretty badass so maybe a few neighboring houses catch it. But can’t she just fly up, burn up the castle, and leave most of the everyday citizens mostly unharmed?

When Danaerys started asking Jon for help we all screamed, “don’t ask him for help, he’s terrible!” Of all the people to ask for level-headed war advice!

Also interesting parallel with Bran coming back - Bran can, in a way, sort of SEE all of the possibilities out there as LF said. It’s just that Bran uses magic...

Counterpoint: not interacting with other human beings in a dirty fast food restaurant sounds amazing. Sign me up.

You can sleep with more than one dude...

I love Sansa and I have different interpretations than everyone else...

Dany’s visitor is Gendry. He’s a bastard but seeing as all the Baratheons are gone, maybe he can help legitimize her a tiny bit to the rest of Westeros? Mainly don’t care, just want more Gendry.

Man, I am right fucking with you. I LOVE Girls - much to my surprise, it is pretty amazing and well-done IMO. Part of the charm is that they’re obviously making fun of/lambasting the cluelessness of all the main characters. It’s part of the comedy! So for Lena to go from that to her crazy entitled public

Yeah, I get this thrown at me all the time. Doesn’t change the fact that other people’s dogs put me in an allergic mess and my own poodle can sit on my lap all day and I’m fine.

I didn’t buy into this theory earlier but I have a feeling Tyrion and Sansa might come together again towards the end of the series as the more sane and logical members of their families. And Littlefinger definitely has to go for Sansa to become her fully badass self. So maybe there’s a reckoning in there...

I am saving so many creatures in the hope that we have trading one day. By the time it rolls around nobody will need anything.

In 1 week I got retweeted by Ava DuVernay AND Jill Soloway so I’m basically a famous person now.

Noooo it is not

Just a reminder (unless my memory is wrong) that Scully NEVER got her name on the friggin’ door of their office. There’s also ongoing debate as to whether she even has her own desk there. They are always gathered around Mulder’s desk and his name plate is on the door. I have a sneaking memory that this continued