
Overall I actually really enjoyed this movie, although there were parts I flat-out hated. Definitely felt uneven at times which I blame on directorial changes. But general thoughts:

Jungian shared collective unconscious! I’m so in love.

My dad let me watch a LOT of movies I shouldn’t have as a kid. But I do remember being particularly disturbed by the original The Fly. Still gives me chills.

That scene plus the mirror figure at the end had me TERRIFIED. I am home alone this week and definitely locked my door that night. Definitely one of the best combos of actual physical terror + pure psychological horror I’ve experienced at a movie in a long time.

Maybe he takes a vow of silence to reflect on his new moral path!

For a while I tried to convince myself that Snoke knew Kylo would kill/betray him and it was just part of his path further into the dark side. Alas...

My study abroad advisor told us if we were ever stuck in a scary situation to just make a “crazy face.” And then she demonstrated. We were all “wait, can you show us one more time?” But I have never forgotten the advice! Nobody wants to deal with crazy.

Two things!

Agree 100%. It was beautiful and very cinematic and I liked it, and I will probably never watch it again. The world building seemed a bit confusing and women were just naked ads or simpering AI or prostitutes. They didn’t even really go into the sort of icky ideas of getting pregnant = human. Sorry Dennis, better luck

And down near the bottom on almost every single list are Thor and Thor: The Dark World.

Bam. $13 on amazon ($8 shipping). Someone needs to start packaging this shit up and make a quick ebay fortune.

Let’s be fair, the script was pretty awful too. Don’t understand why it’s so hard to hire someone to punch up the dialogue a bit in your multi million dollar movie.

Just so happy that a great director like Rian Johnson is succeeding so well in the franchise world. Brick is an absolutely amazing film that I still watch regularly, and you can tell from the rest of his oeuvre(whether you like it or not) that he has such a great brain and storytelling skills. He’s a quirky weirdo

SO looking forward to the stories of Harrison Ford just Not Having It.

Yes I thought part of the accusation came from the raven that Lysa sent to Catelyn - she ripped it up, but if Luwin kept copies...?

She’s gonna offer it to the Night King in exchange for him destroying all her enemies.

Though it easily could have become an overly-reverential love letter to ‘80s movies, the Duffer brothers, who co-created Stranger Things, took special care to strike a balance between nostalgic dreaminess for the past and a sharp, novel take the various genres the series was clearly influenced by.