
I found this years TGAs pretty lackluster. I cant stand how they treat the actual awards like an afterthought. I saw some article somewhere that Geoff should just make it Winter E3 and we can all cut the crap. Just have online trailers for things and call it a day. The way he will just read off a bunch of awards

“games” will soon (if not already) be shops that have some gameplay mechanics instead of, you know, a full video game that also has a shop

In 10 years the next huge Bethesda RPG will come out and critics will be saying “it doesn’t have the charm of Starfield or Skyrim”.

You have as long as you like, you don’t have to play Starfield on release day.

I am way less annoyed by FFXVI becoming an action game than I am about so many people asserting that Final Fantasy games have always been about reinvention. Maybe that’s true in terms of setting & narrative (and I would argue you’d have to really stretch the idea of what narrative “reinvention” means in an anthology

I always love it when developers explain the reasons behind decisions because its both very informative, and listening to capital ‘G’ Gamer accusations is exhausting. If you ask Twitter, 30fps is becase devs just need to move the FPS slider on the Engine Screen up to ‘60', and refusing to do so are Devs being LAZY.

Or at least some very vocal nerds.
There are also some of them that I’ve seen jizzing all over the new version of D2, only to get bored and go back to D3 quickly afterwards.

I love the hot takes from people who are taking their level 1-25, fraction of chapter 1, fraction of a skill tree, non-BiS, non-meta, non-endgame, single weekend experience, and just...mapping that across the entire game.

Destiny 2 is somehow the best example of and the worst case scenario.

While that is what Microsoft is doing, none of them covered how the the deal is only 10 years nor how Microsoft can monopolize the gaming industry with both Activision Blizzard and Bethesda.

Agreed, this article is some petty-ass bitching

Arguably, we’ve already had the “perfect” D&D movie thanks to Peter Jackson’s adaptations of The Lord Of The Rings in the 2000s—which, if I’m being honest, do chart a bit too close to “action movie” for my taste”

Eh, transmog stopped being a problem not long after they introduced it. No one really talks about it anymore since everyone got their favorite look transmogged already.

I’m of the opposite-ish opinion on this season. Actual character lore and growth for Zavala, Crow, and even Eris? I’m all the hell for that. I’ve been convinced for a while that Crow will become the new Hunter Vanguard but after this season I’m not sure anymore since he, well not quite technically, won the Dare…but

I’ll play the unpopular take- this is a solid entry in the Diablo universe. That it’s free (and less naggy then Kotaku implies) is pretty astounding in this day and age. It’s a LOT of fun so far, IMHO.
It looks, feels, and plays like a Diablo title- and I’m honestly a little impressed with how fluid it plays.

Kung Fu Hustle did music fighting like 15 years ago 

Man this game looks rough. Combat is super sluggish, visuals seem on par or worse than Arkham Knight. 2 player co-op is a weird choice as well for a game that seems set up for a live service model.

Watch Dogs 2 (which I just replayed again) might be one of my top ten games of all time. Great setting (SF is beautiful), characters, story, etc. The villain is someone you will want to crush.

Ok. I’m not quite done with it but I am really enjoying it. Here are some non-spoiler tips:

I’m very glad they chose not to make a baby Eliksni launcher.