

Cool story dude! I *so* don't care.

Beyond dizzying heights of inanity this semantic policing has achieved? Nope.


Sure. On SyFy. This is an AMC show that has KNB doing effects work, so clearly the goal with the show's overall effects work is to adhere to a certain level of quality… which makes that one shot stand out like a sore thumb.

That shot of the Abigail through the binoculars was one of the absolute worst bits of CG garbage I've seen on a tv show in yeeeeeeeeeeears. Christ.


"The Taken King could be the dessert that puts meat on its bones"

I wonder if the bombs Zack "Don't forget, I made Sucker Punch" Synder is lobbing at Gilliam do that hacky super-slow-ramped-up-to-super-fast-thing or if that's only his films.

Well, goddammit.

Since symbolism is a big deal in this show… is there nothing to be made of the giant owl perched inside the church looking down on Rust and Hart when they first walk through the doors with the crucifixes on them?