There's a significant amount of what Jez likes to call "slut-shaming" in making Weiner a villain for consensual sexting. There's also a significant amount of humiliating criticism of Huma Abedin for her choice.
There's a significant amount of what Jez likes to call "slut-shaming" in making Weiner a villain for consensual sexting. There's also a significant amount of humiliating criticism of Huma Abedin for her choice.
It's kind of weirdly sarcastic to put actual boxing gloves as the logo for the digital boxing fight. It kind of feels like you're making fun of fight gamers
Part of Silva's genius is that the goading, the clowning, is worked into the fact that he's an unbelievably finely-tuned counterpuncher. He's the rolls royce of response, and making people come at him is his bread-and-butter. He wants to be chased, to be hounded and to be taken down because in the chase, he finds…
I believe by "mechanical" error, they just mean the actual maintenance and upkeep of the mechanism of the airplane. If there was a structural or underlying failure in the airplane as a product, that could be blamed on Boeing, and all other errors on human/computer fallibility.
But really though, video games had nothing whatsoever to do with anything in this story. This is maybe a story about... online purchasing? Credit cards?
The second season of The Legend of Korra can't come soon enough.
Somehow putting a memoir about failures as a parent seems noble, meanwhile there exists WHOLE PROFESSIONS of people whose lives are devoted to rearing and raising children, and with the sacrifice of some time and money, people could easily learn what the best way to deal with tantrums is. It doesn't solve the…
This is getting stupid. You're just adding in qualifications in order to prejudice whatever thought experiment you're running so that you can say that humans can win.
You absolutely cannot outrun a horse over any distance, especially over long distances. We are good at long-distance jogging, but certainly not the best:
What does "necessary" have to do with anything? It's the sole and entire basis for your argument that running alone defines "fitness". You specifically stated that humans arrived at where we are because we can run well over long distances. There's absolutely no evidence to support that, however. Even the Harvard study…
Well, marathon running seems to be of help to humans when we lacked sophisticated tools. Running helped us insofar as we were still developing better brains. So one might conclude that brains and tools were the defining factor. Along with the bipedal stance and gait that lets us use them. Running is a cute stunt, but…
Out of curiosity, how exactly do you define "research"? Because so far as I can see, it's defined here as "random excerpts from that napkin I wrote shit on when I was high".
I'm sorry, but have you met writers? Any writers? Any complaint about being shit on is immediately trumped by a writer. All the time, every time.
It's weird that you describe Jon Jones as exceptionally violent, for a violent sport. I've been watching UFC since I was a teenager, and doing martial arts for most of that time. Jones doesn't seem violent at all when he fights.
It's funny that you mistake simple offense taken as something I perceive as vacuous and unnecessary as rage. I guess it's easy to dismiss "rage" as something that isn't to be listened to. Which is odd, considering the fervent emotional component of your whole argument. If I have "rage", I am to be ignored, but if you…
You're reading a post entitled "tragedy is not a competition", so maybe you should remember than when you're out there "remembering the good in people" and "finding things really moving", and "being really emotional" and "appreciating all the supportive messages". A message of support, of grief, or of consolation…
No, he simply decided that the world could simply not live without his observations, so he posted them up online where however many millions of his dopey followers could distribute it.
Having a response to tragedy is personal. Why is this long, sappy email that references his famous friends and how amazing they are? Precisely because it's what he thinks the world "needs to hear". And he's not sending it out to his friends, oh no. He's sending it out to the world, via his public-persona web page.
Except that Patton Oswalt is maybe the first person in the fucking world who should read the phrase "tragedy is not a competition". Then maybe he won't post a sappy, pap-sentimental homily the day of the fucking tragedy and post it directly to facebook for his 250 000 followers who just had to hear the words of…