That's beyond ridiculous. Somebody doing their best according to their conscience asks for legitimate feedback from a person they're trying to help and they get nothing but specifically shit on?
Ugh The Binding of Isaac?
I'm not really up on what's upcoming in anime. I guess it all depends pretty heavily on who's involved in making it. I'll check it out though. I like to give most shows one or two episodes as an initial watch.
There's no reason NOT to have high standards. I'm not going to sit around and call "How I Met Your Mother" great comedy, when there's a world of Nick Thune and Mel Brooks and George Carlin movies. Similarly, I'm not going to sit around and reconsider a crappy anime series when there's a world of GREAT anime out there…
I'm sorry, but if you see these characters as "deep" then maybe you're just shallow. These are stock characters that exist as little more than cliches. Although it's possible to get a certain range out of stock characters, as with Commedia dell'arte plays, you have to have talent to do it, and a good mind. Look at…
I think it does nothing whatsoever that hasn't been fully explored in other anime. The problem is that anime as a whole is so expansive, with so many elements of outstanding storytelling, that anything mediocre is simply forgettable.
"It builds a hauntingly violent world filled with multilayered characters living in an excellently well thought-out society."
I'm a big online CCG guy, and a former Magic player. But I can't stomach more than thirty seconds of Hearthstone because the game is SO GODDAMN SLOW. I want to play a CARD game, not watch Blizzard's ridiculous self-indulgent animations, which you CANNOT SKIP.
A long time ago, comments used to have to be voted in my approved commenters. We used to have a star. It guaranteed that the conversation was legit or funny, but made more work for star commenters, who had to wade through shit. Then nick Denton "redefined" gawker by criticizing "star" commenters with a ruthless…
Okay there Old Man. Let me break it down for you: lots of young d-bags watch it, but an equal amount of normal martial arts enthusiasts love to watch controlled contact fighting. It's the most primal sport, the most direct person-to-person challenge sport, and one of the most technically demanding sports in the world.…
I don't feel any particular need to cloak myself in any sort of language in order to spare your feelings. And I find your ideas far more offensive than anything I wrote. If you're bothered by the connotations, or corollary implications of the ideas that you're presenting, maybe you should reexamine what you're putting…
Beyond nonsense. A character, fleshed out by years of continuity retains their motivations, their backstories, their families and their concerns. John Stewart lost nothing becoming Green Lantern, for example he merely took on the mantle of GL. It took nothing away from Hal Jordan, and neither did Hal take anything…
So you spent your time with James in this story alternately comparing yourself to Norman Mailer (quite literally, as a matter of fact), and exploring your own core of novelistic self-flagellation. Then you conclude with the statement that James has brought his high school troupe with him, and is in fact not a…
Calling yourself a "history dork" is pretentious puffery. It's double-sticky-super puffery if you're applying the standards of history to what is clearly dramatized historical fiction.
There are a few things said in this article that are dubious at best, some that seem specious and incorrect at worst. It's, of course, what I would expect from an outfit like Jalopnik, that's quite a bit more interested in fanning flames than in actually reporting, but still, it's disappointing.
Silva didn't decide to "hot dog" in his previous fight. His whole career is built on unnerving his opponents and then winning in unexpected ways. His skill is in massive precision on counter-strikes and his strategy is to lure opponents into vulnerable positions.
Of course fat in foods makes you fat, don't be a fucking idiot
I'm not being a word nazi. I'm taking journal in the sense that this article is taking it - a personal record of your daily status and activities. In point of fact, there's no difference between the terms "personal journal" and "diary", as both are records of daily activities. However, what the terms DO have in common…
There is no way in hell that the viscous monstrosity that you posted has a bottom crust that is anything but a disintegrated mush sitting in a pool of oil drained from that Costco mozarella.