Pope John Peeps II

Aah it's a movie reference. OK.

I think you're fudging your numbers there with 3 times in 60 hours. I'd believe it if you said once, because some people are just better at DS than me. Each boss takes strategy for sure, but no matter how good you are, each boss will probably hit you once or twice, and it takes a while to get the gear necessary to

Thanks for being creepy. Come back again never.

Dark Souls lasts vastly longer than 100 hours when you factor in all the grinding. It's probably the most grind-heavy game I've played in 5 or so years. It rivals every JRPG I've ever played for grinding.

So because a character mentions that she likes to have lots of sex, and looks like she has lots of sex, and strips every time she uses a super power and dances provocatively, she's actually empowered? Because there's a flimsy, one-sentence backstory that tells why she looks and acts like a stripper, the character is

Even Bayonetta is an example of a beautiful, skilled woman using sexuality as a part of her without letting it BECOME her. She uses her sexuality to her ends, on her terms, and that's empowering.

Sure, reading aids in almost every kind of cognitive function. And especially aids in knowing and understanding people - critical functions in leaders. But there's a deep, deep vat of uncaring when it comes to readers. Speaking as someone with an MA in literature I know that most employers do not respect reading, most

Yelp also removes poor reviews from their site, even when those reviews don't violate the terms of use or content guidelines. I had restaurant reviews that were perfectly innocuous removed for no reason at all.

Yelp also removes poor reviews from their site, even when those reviews don't violate the terms of use or content guidelines. I had restaurant reviews that were perfectly innocuous removed for no reason at all.

The amount of alkaline material that comes off a solid eggshell must be infinitesimal. There's no way that it's anywhere near a teaspoon. At least, none of my eggs have ever sloughed off a teaspoon of material in water.

You mean young people like to brag about their style?

It's probably more likely that the leftover egg white proteins are helping bind all the residual solids in the coffee together, thus helping remove the grounds that add bitterness to the coffee.

"insane" is a slightly more polite euphemism for "dumb". Also, "journal" and "diary" are in this case synonyms. Saying it's a "journal" and not a "diary" doesn't mean anything.

It's not "whatever you want it to be". That's what everyone says about everything. Preserving memories means looking back and making an effort to curate your own life. It isn't just cataloguing your facebook "bon mots" and how that stupid croissant store down the street over-toasted your egg and cheese sandwich this

This is insane. This is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what a journal is supposed to be. A journal is a chronicle of your experiences boiled down to what is most valuable, or most moving, or most important to you. A journal is a post-hoc exploration of what your life is like in order to gain more valuable perspective.

Yeah, that's every Gawker site though. There's a definite top-down push to replace reason with opinion, and good writing with FUCKING CAPITAL LETTERS OKAY BRO? Ugh.

Well, I subside on pure cosmic energy.

Yes, maybe the rules of law enforcement need to evolve with technology but that doesn't mean that the court should conflate the information police can see with the data that's collected remotely.

That's pretty amusingly condescending. Your argument is that

No, the best is KHKHKHKHKH and watching him scramble front-legs only