Pope John Peeps II


Nothing says "Quit stereotyping me!" like the statement "BITCHES GOTS THE PMS!"

Aren't you supposed to avoid both curling wires excessively, and wrapping wires around each other in too close proximity? Aside from the heat issue with powerbars, is there some sort of electrical/magnetic issue when they're all next to each other like that?

You're pedantic and boring and being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. You absolutely know exactly what I mean, what my statements were intended to say and you're purposefully picking on the fact that I don't qualify my blog posts with technically accurate footnotes.

Yes, EXTRA details. In ADDITION to regular happy science. So you don't have someone saying "hey, see this extra dark line around your red blood cells? Oh you don't? Well, that actually means there are too many toxins in your liver. Oh and here? This little smudge? Well that means your sulphur content is low."

The best is "live blood analysis" where practitioners put blood under a microscope and purport to give you all sorts of "conditions" that you are experiencing based on the look of said blood. As if the whole of medical science hadn't spend hundreds of years developing blood tests of different things. for precisely the

If you're already buying yogurt, why don't you just buy greek-style yogurt.

Or at least it makes him seem a little insane. But is that a bad thing? Who is actually more insane: The person who dreams about cars but commutes to a job they hate every day in an appliance or the person who eschews societal norms and conventions to live his dream?

they can tell stories that are incredibly unique and can't exist in other other mediums. anything is possible in comics, so storytelling potential is limitless

You know what makes you seem smart? Picking on typos in blog comments. Because there's nothing smarter than noticing one of the thousand thousand typos that people make every given day.

I'm not saying "loftier". I'm saying each medium has a purpose and a point. Comics are fundamentally a pulp medium - the point of them is a highly visual, stylized entertainment. There aren't comics called "how to replace the transmission in a 2001 Ford Taurus".

As someone who studied literature at a reasonably level, and loved mid-century American noir, I'm just going to say that it's funny how the concept of "noir" became so associated with today's hyper-violence, hyper-sexuality and bloody fistfights.

Do you regularly enjoy testing fate? Why shouldn't you run with scissors? Do you fall often? Why not just cut that wire you find in the wall? It's probably not live. What's the big deal? Bike helmet? Come on. I've never been hit by a car, and see no reason why it should ever happen to me.

I particularly enjoy his putting heavy swinging metal objects in front of his window.

I wish the phrase "burning the brew" was slightly more clear, and slightly less mythical. What does that actually mean? Considering coffee itself doesn't even begin to roast until way above 205 degrees, I wonder what people actually mean when they say "burning the brew".

John Updike, get off the internet!!

Instead of spending forty dollars on mold paint and caulking, Why wouldn't you just buy a four dollar shower curtain or vinyl tablecloth, cut it into a strip, and hang it from the bar to the drain, to drain water into the sink? It looks like a shower curtain, but it surely doesn't look worse than the damp bacteria

EXCELLENT! Thanks. I'll have to get some Adblock plus.

"Well, inventing a particle accelerator isn't really anything. It's just connecting elements in specific ways to form materials, then arranging those materials to form devices, then arranging those devices in such a precise way that you can smash together the very building blocks of creation in epically fierce energy

Can AdBlock plus be set to filter from specific sites only? Say.... Gawker, while leaving say... Lifehacker and Kotaku comments intact?