
This photo continues the tradition of models who, for some reason, pose with their mouths partly open. I have never understood this. Does it have a real world equivalent or is it something only models do? Is it supposed to be “hot”? confused? Out of breath?

Out of curiosity. In countries where there is mosaic censorship. What’s the most popular app for self-censorship?

I’d just like to say, Tim, you are my favorite person on Kotaku. You are keyed into exactly the kind of games I really like. I bought a switch 4 days ago as an early Christmas gift after watching your XC2 videos and once I come up for air this game is next on the shopping list. Appreciate your work and the personality


I imagine they don’t see it as cutting a significant margin of gamers out. For gamers it feels personal if you happen to really like a franchise (e.g. Layton), but in that case level-5's strategy is not about being available broadly it’s about whatever the relationship they have with Nintendo is. I imagine it’s the


Forgive my ignorance, but what is H*ckin’?

What would be your ideal overwatch Alt Costume?

Hopefully the former. I’d take world peace over a good arthouse fever dream of a game anyday.

You didn’t mention in your preview, but is their a backstab mechanic?

Open world games have become all of the rage these days, but considering some of the best open world games that you’ve played (MMOs included), how would you build the perfect open world game (non-MMO)? What systems, combat style, time period, etc would make it great to you?

I have a question for Kirk. You wrote up about Nioh comparing it to Bloodborne and Diablo. I haven’t played the game yet, but are there back stabs a la the souls games?

So you think it’s exploitative. Full stop.

No offense @username, but... it kind of sounds like you don’t like Overwatch maybe???

You’re using logic against someone who it seems just wants someone to agree with him/her.


It’s pretty challenging. The battle system is cool because your skill plays a part in it. I find it really rewarding as I get deeper in and feel like I’m getting better not just because I’ve leveled up in game but because I have learned how to use my abilities better. That said, carelessness can cost you, I have run

December I think??

It took me so long to figure out that the game paused when you stood still. For hours I thought it was triggered by something in the battle, haha