This is slowly becoming the same shitty response so many “family” groups, religious organizations, etc have to controversial shit:
“By 2049, when the Vegas Knights (who dropped ‘Golden’ from their name after a decade) had won their 32nd consecutive Stanley Cup, the league was down to just four teams. Buffalo, of course, finished last again.”
Oooh! Did you read the super rare one when she advises a friend to commit suicide?
I’m no Faith No More fan, but I always thought that “Falling to Pieces” was the better of the two singles that I know from that album. I enjoy the sweet bass line, and the video was pretty cool.
It’s so nice when a good single ends up being one of the worst songs on the album. Faith No More really should get more credit for how great they were and are.
Edge of the World is still great for all of its collective wrongness
Al Jourgensen owned 1989. The Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Taste may have actually charted, so that probably gets disqualified here. His collaboration with Cabaret Voltaire produced “No Name No Slogan” on the Wax Trax label. But more importantly, he produced Skinny Puppy’s Rabies album in ‘89 with two of their best…
Like a greedy lil’ Icarus, he stole too close to the sun.
Were you around for Service Merchandise catalogues? That and Sears was my shit.
Going into “back in my day” old-man mode here, but when I was a kid, I couldn’t wait for the Sears and JC Penney holiday catalogues to come out, so I could flip though the toy pages and get Christmas ideas.
This looks like it has serious potential to be the third best Grinch movie.
He never had the makings of a varsity athlete.....
purely psychosomatic
That boy needs therapy.
Yeah, well, the Sabres are still better at math than they are at hockey.
no. it’s also a junior lightweight that hasn’t lived up to expectations
Carrying on the fine Russian tradition of doing well at the Olympics only when no one else shows up.
It was “Your voice is too high and you look more like young Benicio Del Toro than me. Now, buzz off!”