Pop Culture Portmanteau

I can change the state of his failed card swipe to look like it was successful. I show him that shit so he thinks he’s too fucking dumb to properly use an ID card at a card reader. This makes me happy as hell, because I am a petty, petty motherfucker.

Christ people, if you’re going to air your dirty laundry in public, do you have to be so cryptic about it? You’ve made the world a part of your story now, so quit being coy with the details.

At this point I’m less interested in why the Zs keep shoving their family issues down the public’s throat, than I am in wondering why the public acts like this is something worth consuming. I cheated on my girl once, she didn’t make a music video over it. She just wrote very negatively about me on Facebook and had her

Everyone talking about Xmas music have clearly never heard the classic “James Brown Funky Christmas”. And for a newer soul/funk Xmas album, check out “Its a Holiday Soul Party”, by the late great Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings.

Now playing

The best Christmas song recorded within the last 25 years. It is known.

More often than not, though, Parker and Stone have fumbled when it comes to Garrison as Trump

Yeah, I just read that as ‘We will not be able to help you improve your axe throwing.’

Or Unibombers, for that matter.

Nah, the default (and correct) position to always take is to assume a college kid is full of shit.

I desperately wish I could have been a fly on the wall of the meeting where they delivered the master of Angel Dust to their label. As deliberate attempts at commercial suicide go, that album is up there with “Metal Machine Music”.

Ninety-five cents? Fuck you I’ll skate to the beach.

To be fair, Chris Benoit never worked again either.

I don’t want to Monday Morning QB your editor but I think we probably would have figured out “Boston” from the rest of the headline.

Gosh, I think this reaction/backlash is badly misguided. (For context, I’m from Las Vegas and have several acquaintances who were at the concert; one was shot in the arm, but he’s recovering fairly well.)

Tourism is the lifeblood of Las Vegas. Without that, we’d be a dried-up ghost town like Rhyolite, or Virginia City,

And WHHYYYY won’t Courtney Love be having any cranberry sauce with her christmas dinner this year ?

The Giants have reversed the usual order of things. Ordinarily, it goes:

Is there a take on this other than Foerster is/was a dumb besotted older dude with substance issues that got fucked over massively by a stripper (presumably after some failed blackmail shakedown) who’s now trying to make it out to be some noble political act?

This is some cruel shit. Some dumb shit too. But the cruelty

So this story was

in case it doesn’t show up, i wanted you to know i starred your comment, but i am having the kinja-poison-touch where every star i click makes the count go down right now.