SAM computers! Service Merchandise made cheap jewelry, telescopes and the six toys they stocked at any given time seem so exotic and forbidden.
SAM computers! Service Merchandise made cheap jewelry, telescopes and the six toys they stocked at any given time seem so exotic and forbidden.
I just want someone to answer why she’s the only Stormtrooper captain to get silver armor. Can you imagine the glare coming off that thing on the snowy plains of Starkiller Base?
Me. Desperately. I’ll bring David Chase sandwiches if it’ll help.
Just say TJ Miller did anal.
You’re a nut. You’re crazy in the coconut.
Jesus, Jen, just because Mystery was wearing a goofy hat doesn’t mean you had to fuck him.
Did Carl get bit by the Orange Julius? I assume all zombie fights happen in the mall.
Not with that attitude.
I’m down with the rarer instance of Metallica’s “Trapped Under Ice” after an ice storm.
Sure. If you enjoy having to protect your toes instead of whaling other dudes in the head. That’s a reasonable reason to put epee ahead of sabre.
Plant was still doing Immigrant Song as late as 1990 on the Manic Nirvana tour. He couldn’t quite reach the ear-splitting Zep 3 wail, but even coming down a step, it kicked all sorts of ass.
Come back George! All ... well, some ... is forgiven!
Sure. Until the camera pulls back in Episode LXIV to reveal the whole thing has been director Gen. Lando Calrissian’s self-insert fanfic all along.
I’ll see you in hell, Stouffer’s Pizza.
This is a hamper with a neckhole cut in it. They invented a hamper.
There’s a clip of her doing her act for Marshawn Lynch and one day, for even a fraction of a second, I want to experience the kind of joy Marshawn felt watching a woman kick dinnerware at her dome.
I assume there’s already a Cummy Bears that is NOT a parody.
This vid is a great way for non-racing fans to get a nice look at the game: