
When the Amazonian island was first introduced, it was called "Paradise Island." It took some time before it was called Themyscira. Definitely not a throwaway line.

How does a movie ride the coattails of its sequel that came out a few years later? I don't think that's how it works…

I disagree with the reading that Buffy found out Xander lied and holds a grudge about it. I think the implication was that she harbored resentment against both Xander and Willow for seemingly not giving a shit that she had to kill her ex-boyfriend, as evidenced by him coming to give her the "kick his ass" message.

Though, I did appreciate the "get out of my face" line as an understated pun.

The fifth episode of Season 7, "Selfless"—the Anya-centric episode—is phenomenal. It's essentially her "Fool for Love" in that we get flashbacks to see the contrast between who she was and who she's become, and Emma Caulfield's performance is amazing. One of my top five favorite episodes.

My guess is that Melissa McCarthy called Lorne Michaels and said, "I can do a really good Sean Spicer."

No. One audience sees the dress, and then a different audience sees the live show. As Studio 60 observed, comedy's less funny the second time around.

The quoted material is accurate, actually. Dassey's motion for postconviction relief was granted; that results in a new trial. The Attorney General is appealing the Order granting the motion for postconviction relief, thereby staying the commencement of a new trial. Thus, no trial date is set.

I actually think it's a sure thing Reigns is not going to win. This way he can have his happy Wrestlemania moment where he captures the title with confetti raining down from the sky.

…as much as I dislike Michael Cole, he's technically correct. The title has been on the line once before in the Rumble match itself, in 1992, when the title was vacated after it went from Hogan to Undertaker, back to Hogan again, with shenanigans involved in the outcome of each match. The winner of the '92 Rumble,

You don't see a difference between fictional journalists and fictional politicians? In the Newsroom, Sorkin wanted to use real-world news to give the audience a frame of reference and as a backdrop for the story he wanted to tell. It's easy to do that by just creating a fictional cable company competing with other