
We have a dashboard cam. In a minivan. Decided to get one after a garbage truck entered my lane and sideswiped me. Garbage company's insurance adjuster tried to say it was my fault.

I owned fast food restaurants for years. At one of my stores, we had a customer who would poop in our urinal once a week, without fail, usually on Thursdays. Why he liked pooping in our urinal was a mystery we never solved.

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I always liked "Gloria" but it didn't work out so well.

Spoons & Dildos: Sounds like a rock band.

Not really interested. I have socks older than this kid.

He really comes across as a spoiled, childish brat in this interview.

Do not expect the cop to know the law or be concerned about your rights. That's the function of a judge so save it for court. Your goal should simply be surviving an encounter with a cop.