Pop Chaser

i hope they will not stop at season 4, it will be interesting to see them come up with ideas to make money off the internet….are they going to build the network and become ISP, or build network routers and become like a Cisco competitor, or the actual browser to become competitor to Netscape? the show was always

i don't remember but you may be right. i do remember being so excited seeing Windows 3, as it was the first working version of Windows. I tried Windows since v. 1 which was piece of crap, compared to Mac at the time.

i discovered this show on Netflix and cannot stop watching…this is by far the best tech related show ever, and one of the best shows ever, much better than Mad Men which gets more press but bores me to death….as kid growing up in silicon valley during 80s and 90s, the show bring sense of nostalgia and wonder to my