Julia Mathias

It's like awful.

Legacy was a pure b-boy (although I think very few people are "pure" anything these days), as well as Hok and Dominic at the time they auditioned I believe. I don't know the level of training Gev,Tadd and Wadi had before the show, but Gev and Tadd were pretty good and Wadi at least didn't embarrass himself. As much as

Virgil is climbing that list FAST and neptune is just refusing to be the fodder that he was supposed to be. Also I don't think Alexia is a fave at all, would put JJ over her, or even Megz at this point.

I miss all those three too, although after the mess Mia was as a judge I wish she was pretty much mute during her appearances. But i do miss her choreo.

No way, with american idol there are plenty singing shows to substitute, but there are very few dance shows on tv, so even if SYTYCd is very different now i would still prefer they keep airing it.

I agree with this. I only feel like I know the contestants because I always watch their post show interviews on Danceplug and other youtube channels, and I follow them on Periscope and instagram (this cast I really amping up the social media game), otherwise I wouldn't know them very well

I hope he doesn't make top 10, he would be useless on tour.

Russel was not a pure Street dancer, he was clearly cross-trained. You don learn to point feet the way he did in the span of the competition. We do't have any winner who did not have at least some training in classical styles. even Benji took lessons from Mia Michaels before coming to the show.

They'll probably just do Royal Renovations.

Great episode guys, much better than last week IMO. Susan is very smart, I really wish she had been a pat of the Serial team, seriously!

I think it also proves how horrible the defense team for Adnan was if they also didn't check if there was a pay phone there.

Guys, why no feed? It is a pain in the ass to have to come here to check it, and it makes me a lot more likely to forget to listen to it. It's 2014, this is a big website, why can't you guys figure out a podcast feed?

This! Seriously guys, where's the feed?

She's is actually the guest judge this week.

Look, Misty is a little bit arrogant, but I SOOOOO prefer her to the celebrity judges they were having lately. She at least always critiques the dancers on their technique, and sometimes explains and pinpoint things that may be hard to catch to the untrained eye. Especially after Jason Derulo week, I'm so grateful for

So sad you guys stopped covering the show! Please come back!

Give us revieeeeeews!

I thought that the whole "I forgot what it was like to be a maid" was about being an unmarried lady, not a servant, but maybe I'm giving Mary too much credit. And man, I didn't think about the darkness affecting Henry at all, I just thought he had caught an STD that was making him crazier than usual.

What I'm saying is that he was not inconsistent, because he wasn't constantly flip-floping between loving her or not. In the first few episodes he was conflicted for various reasons, till he finally decided to love her, consequences be dammed. So you may make the argument that he hasn't been openly in love with her