
Yeah, they want a female president so badly they totally ignore all the flaws hillary has. She can do no wrong and if you point it out you’re a berniebro. They make me not want to vote for hillary and just vote thord party in nov.

Its more not wanting to put a black man theough our racist justice system, even when u know they are criminals.


I didnt call all black men rapist you’re reaching.I dont feel bad for any rapist, even black rapists just because the justice system is racist.

I agree, black women need to put ourselves first. We’re always trying to take care and protect black men when they dont do the same for us. im not going to feel bad for a rapist having to go through our racist justice system.

U mean white people. Romeny won white people across the board:white women, white men, young, ect.

You’re right. I just shake my head when hillary supporters come on here and complain about Bernie being negative and think he hasnt even touched the lows hillary did in 08.

Yeah i have in the comments here on jez. I also see comments that if she were a man she would have already been president, which is debatable. Of course it has, i have seen hillary supporters talk about its their time and history will be made.

What are u talking about

They know he cant win but why stop when u hillary supporters keep clicking and yelling in the wind in the comments.

How is slate bernie supporter. It seems like if people arent 100 hillary they are bernie supporters to you.

No it doesnt she was in the lead the whole time. When your winning you dont need to go dirty. Also hillary in 08 was really dirty and racist to obama, which hillary supporters seem to forget.

Or because he has the money and can. Not everything is sexism, which is something hillary supporters seem not to get.

I agree, that why i find it funny how hillary supporters say that if hillary were a white man she would be winning larger which isnt true it seems that bernie being a white man has only helped her and also having the black vote which she didn’t have in 08.

What. Slate is pro hillary. U are the most dellusional hillary supporter on here.

What? Where have u been he is winning because he isnt presidential.

I doubt it, Hillary was hella racist to obama in 08 and most of u forgave her or forgot about that nasty race. So bernie will be fine.

He did win its not clickbait. Hillary supporters are buthurt winners

But she has never been the nominee, thats different and she also isnt a great campaigner. I just feel like a lot of hillary supporters are just as dillusional as bernie supporters. Everyone is in for a rude awakening.

Really he has barely went negative.