
God’s plan


“There goes college soccah”


Its pandering. Always pandering. There is a significant percentage of the population who are stupid, scared of everything, and regard military engagements with the same level of seriousness as a school yard fist fight.

Came together to achieve what? To get duped into a war that would create the likes of ISIS? Yes. We should definitely reflect on that.

I like the Dixie Chick’s music (some of it anyway) despite hating most of what passes for the country genre and being a rap/old school rap enthusiast.

Had a bit of a laugh at that one. Apparently it took a lot less than he’d figured.

Look, we’ve seen similar behavior in the NFL where millions of dollars are at stake at the highest levels of coaching. You’re telling me that there aren’t some idiots in BFE Texas taking the game too seriously that wouldn’t do something this stupid with significantly less on the line?

I laughed so hard at that very same thing.

They probably pay the care workers close to minimum wage as well.


I eat slaw on hotdogs, another regional charm.

I install appliances for a living. One of my coworkers was tasked with working at Haley’s house after he first moved to the area to take the OC job. Haley wasn’t there, but his wife was.

Florida is the jean shorts capital of the world.

A few weeks ago my wife and I took our daughter to the zoo here in Pittsburgh, and decided to grab the kid an icecream cone while we were there.

Its nice to see that we have managed to outsourced our special brand of regional ignorance.

No mention of this?

Or not recruiting the fuck ups?

In my experience that happens significantly more often than what you would call “unlikely”. It seems that it is more of the status quo.