
And yet, I will still vote for him if he is the nominee, as I hope every sane human being will.

And the casual confidence from feeling good about the way you look is often more attractive anyway... so in a sense proper lighting in the bathroom actually does make you more attractive outside of it.

He does bring up an important point - there is no more powerful thing for self esteem than ensuring good lighting in your bathroom/bedroom/wherever you look in a mirror. Warmer than you think it should be, and dimmer than you think it should be.

The difference between people who think they look awful and people who

This is the problem when “actual jobs” become “tradition” and ceremony.

And it’s the episode title... of a British show? Where the word is used continually throughout the episode?

I think everyone’s grown-up enough to not need to dumb down a cooking show, especially an audience who chooses to watch an international cooking show.

What the British call biscuits were called biscuits long before the thing Americans call biscuits were called biscuits (which are all scone variants, which have been called scones for at least 600 or 700 hundred years, probably longer, and still are by the rest of the world).

Don’t forget Yorkshire sheep farmers, who are the 14thC origin story of this ridiculous headwear.

And as an ex-Navy SEAL, he’s statistically more likely to have suicidal friends than almost any other demographic...

Ummm.. it’s not exactly entitlement... it was the universal view of pretty much the entire student body, as far as I could tell.

Well no, they should do whatever they wish to do... but part of the decision in choosing to become president includes weighing the pros and cons for yourself and your family.

I’ve been in a bar in Oxford while Chelsea Clinton was studying there.

No idea, sorry! That’s the sort of secret sauce they’d obviously not want to give out.

I can only go by my personal experience.

They are all (bar one, that I know of) just white labelled products. It’s the same for pretty much any non “major” brand regardless of the item: there are massive product fairs in China where you basically leaf through a catalogue, chose a product, slightly tweak it, brand it, and sell it.

The only thing that surprised me about that was that it was 4Chan and not TMZ - they seem to have paid-off informants in most LA and NY hospitals, given how much sooner they get these stories typically.

Friends is pretty god damn awful in its casual bigotry.

Phones at desks is a tricker question when you’re dealing with young entry-level wage employees with a low level of loyalty and a highly anticipated intellectual property, and phones that are cutting-edge recording equipment.

Think of it like “tipping” someone in office job. If someone suddenly gave you a wad of notes after a meeting, you’d think “Ummmm... what are you doing?”.

Bring the damn lamb items over. The re-done “normal” menus in lamb - as used in mainly Hindu countries - has some delicious food on it.

I’m not sure I’d want my mom and grandma watch me shit.